Related resources:
Education Resources
Collective Resources
Guidelines and Standards
Papers, Reports, Studies ...
- IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issues, UNESCO
- Publications, Center for Education, National Academies
- Developing Adolescents: A Reference for Professionals, American Psychological Association
- Inclusive Curriculum: Strategies and Resources to Support K-9 Curriculum Development, Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE, March 2000
- The Role of Afrocentricity in the Inclusive
Curriculum in Canadian Schools, George J. Sefa Dei, Canadian Journal of Education 21, 2, 1996
Search Engines and Subject Browsers
Top of Page
- Success Stories, Canada's Digital Collections
- Learning Resources, lesson plans for elementary, intermediate and senior students using statistical products and services, Statistics Canada
- Lesson Plans, Virtual Teacher Centre
- OISE, University of Toronto
- Early Canadiana Online Lesson Plans
- SchoolNet News Network
- First Nations SchoolNet
- Provincial Specialist Associations Home, British Columbia Teachers' Federation
- Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation
- Mine the Internet: English Schools Network Project Centre, Quebec
- Social Sciences Resource Centre, Quebec English School Network
- CBC Educational Resources
- Curriculum, Alberta
- Curriculum Handbook for Parents and Curriculum Summaries, Alberta
- Curriculum, Manitoba
- Publications, Education, New Brunswick
- Classroom and Curriculum Resources, Nova Scotia
- Curriculum and Policy, Ontario
United Kingdom
United States
- Nation's Report Card, National Assessment of Education Program, US Department of Education
- Lesson Plans, Educator's Reference Desk
- Federal Resources for Education Excellence, educational resources, organized by subject, US Department of Education
- NASA Education
- Teaching with Historic Places, National Parks Service
- Field Trips and Learning Resources, Smithsonian
- Teachers, Los Angeles County Office of Education
- Academic Standards Resources, lesson plans, assessment and activities, Indiana
- Instructional Resources and Teaching Strategies Linked to the New York State Learning Standards, Greater Capital Region Teacher Center
- Learn North Carolina
- TENET: Texas Education Network, classroom resources, schools on the web, professional development resources
- Utah Education Network
- Core Knowledge Lesson Plans, Core Knowledge Foundation
- Knowledge Network Explorer, Pacific Bell
- PBS TeacherSource
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- Edsitement, teaching resources for English, history, art history and foreign languages, and includes Crossing Borders, multidisciplinary/multicultural lesson plans and learning guides for literature and language, and history and politics, National Endowment for the Humanities
- Field Trips and Learning Resources, arts, language arts, science, and social studies, Smithsonian Institute
- ArtsEdNet, Getty's Art Education Web Site
- ArtsEdge, subject area resources, curriculum design, lesson plans and more, The National Arts and Education Information Network
- NGA Classroom for Teachers and Students, in-depth studies, lesson plans and classroom activities from Jackson Pollack to Van Gogh to Copley's Watson and the Shark to ancient Egypt, National Gallery of Art
- Doucette Index: K-12 Literature-Based Teaching Ideas: An Index to Books and Websites, University of Calgary
CyberGuides: Teacher Guides and Student Activities, California
- Maine Sampler List, Maine Association of School Libraries
- English Online, UNITEC Institute of Technology, New Zealand
- Teachers Guides: Teachers at Random, Random House
- Teach and Learn, Shakespeare lesson plans and links, Folger Library
- The Wonder Behind the Wizard of Oz, by Cleo M. Coppa, curricular material from the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
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- Library and Archives Canada
- Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, lesson plans dealing with citizenship and Canadian parliamentary democracy, Parliament
- Laws of Canada, SchoolNet Lesson Plan
- Canada in the Making, CIHM
- Exploration: The Fur Trade and Hudson's Bay Company, CIHM
- Hudson's Bay Company, digital collection, Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature
- The Peopling of Canada, 1891-1921, tutorial, University of Calgary
- Amazing Time Machine, British Columbia Archives
- Social Studies Lesson Plans and Ideas, University of Saskatchewan
- Media and Internet Education Resources, Media Awareness Network
- Historica
- Crossroads: K-16 American History Curriculum, Educator's Reference Desk
- American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library, lesson ideas, activities and research tools, Library of Congress
- Learning Page: The Historian's Sources Lesson Overview, Library of Congress
- Handbook of Latin American Studies, works selected and annotated by scholars, full-text, subject, author and title searchable, Library of Congress
- Exhibits, from Dresden's library to the Wizard of Oz, from the Dead Sea Scrolls to women in the Second World War, Library of Congress
- Digital Classroom: Primary Sources, Activities, and Training for Educators and Students, National Archives and Records Administration
- Digital Classroom, National Archives and Record Administration
- Teaching with Historic Places, National Parks Service
- Martha Ballard's Diary, Do History
- Using Primary Sources in the Classroom, Teacher Resources, Alabama Department of Archives and History
- California Heritage Collection, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
- Classroom Resources, Minnesota Historical Society School Programs
- Missouri Images from the Past: Teaching with Documents, Missouri State Archives
- Lesson Units Using Documents, Greater Capital [Albany, NY] Region Teacher Center
- Teacher Resources: Using Primary Source Documents in the Classroom, Ohio Historical Society
- Echoes of Oregon History, 1837-1859, Oregon State Archives
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General Resources
Applied Sciences
Astronomy / Space Sciences
- Astronomy with a Stick, National Science Teachers Association
- Education and Student Programs, Johnson Space Center, NASA
- Education Gateway, JPL, NASA
- Windows to the Universe, University of Michigan
- Eyes on the Sky, Feet on the Ground, Hands on Astronomy Activities for Kids, Harvard University
- [Online and Interactive Lesson Plans for Astronomy], Center for Educational Resources Project
- Life Extraterrestrial: Life on Other Planets in the Solar System, NASA
- Teacher Resources, Department of Interior, US
- Science Education, Academy of Natural Sciences
- Exploring the Environment, teacher pages, modules and activities (basic, comprehensive and advanced), Classroom of the Future, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA
- The Bridge, marine science education from lesson plans to online expeditions to guiding student research, Ocean Sciences Education Resource Center
- Education Site, resources for the teaching of biology, biodiversity, and ecology, from K through College, National Biological Information Infrastructure
- Learning Web, biology, geology, hydrology, geography, USGS
- Water Learn, Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of the Interior
- Environmental Education Center, curriculum resources and activities, conference information and other teacher resources, EPA
- NPPC Resources: Teaching and Research Materials for Faculty, National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, University of Michigan
- Children's Parliament on the Environment, Department for Education and Employment, UK
- NRCat Online, games and information about Canada's natural resources, Natural Resources Canada
- Learning Web, biology, geology, hydrology, geography, USGS
- Volcanoes Modules Page, Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future
- Education Resources for K-12, Kentucky Earth Science Education Network
- Activities and Resources for Earth Science Teachers, State of Maine
- Lessons, Nebraska Earth Science Education Network
- On Evaluating Curricular Effectiveness: Judging the Quality of K-12 Mathematics Evaluations, Committee for a Review of the Evaluation Data on the Effectiveness of NSF-Supported and Commercially Generated Mathematics Curriculum Materials, Jere Confrey and Vicki Stohl, eds., National Research Council, 2004
- Mathematics Lesson Plans, Educator's Reference Desk
- Math Forum High School Teachers Place, lesson plans, internet activities, Swarthmore
- SCORE Mathematics Lesson, California
- Mathematics Enrichment, University of Cambridge
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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 2000/05/08 Last updated: 2006/10/30
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