Related resources:
Curricular Materials
Education Topics
University Teaching Resources
Reference Resources
Collective Resources
- Current Awareness, bibliography of the most recent educational literature from an extensive collection of journals, North Carolina Division of Public Education
- Elementary and Secondary Education (196), Subject Bibliography, US GPO
- Higher Education (217), Subject Bibliography, US GPO
- State Structures for the Governance of Higher Education: An Annotated Bibliography, by Kathy Reeves Bracco, Spring 1997, California Higher Education Policy Center
- Teaching in Higher Education Bibliography, Kay Vandergrift, 1998
Current Awareness
- Current Awareness, bibliography of the most recent educational literature from an extensive collection of journals, North Carolina Division of Public Education
- Education Week on the Web, full-text, registration required
Indexes and Abstracts
Organizations, Associations, and Institutes
Top of Page
Country/Regional Resources
- Department of Education, Science, and Training, Australia
- EdNA Online, Education Network Australia
- Quality Teaching Programme
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan
- Ministry of Education, New Zealand
- Education Review Office, New Zealand
- New Zealand Council for Educational Research
- Council of Ministers of Education
- Canadian Education on the Web, maintained by Marian Press, OISE
- Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
- Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation, Stem-net
- Canada's SchoolNet
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- CanGuide, provincial and territorial curriculum guides and resource documents, OISE
- Department of Education, New Brunswick
- Publications, Department of Education, New Brunswick
- From home to school - How Canadian children cope, National longitudinal survey of children and youth, Statistics Canada, Cat. No. 89F0117XIE, 1999
United States
Top of Page
- ALN Magazine, 1997 forward, full-text
- American School Board Journal, 1997 forward, full-text
- Australian Educational Computing, 1996 forward, full-text
- Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 1985 forward, full-text except most recent issue
- Bilingual Research Journal, 1992 forward, full-text
- Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 1995 forward, full-text
- Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 1995 forward, full-text embargoed approximately 12 months
- Chronicle of Higher Education, 1995 forward, limited full-text
- College Quarterly, 1993 forward full-text
- Connections and EdTech News, 1996 forward, full-text
- Converge, highlights from print issues
- Current Issues in Education, 1998 forward, full-text
- Currents in Electronic Literacy, 1999 forward, full-text
- Early Childhood Research and Practice, 1999 forward, full-text
- Education and Culture at a Glance, 2001 forward, full-text
- Education Next, 2001 forward, full-text
- Education Policy Analysis Archives, 1993 forward, full-text
- Education Review: A Journal of Book Reviews, full-text
- Educational Researcher, 1999 forward, full-text
- Educational Technology and Society, 1999 forward, full-text
- Educause Review, 1998 forward, full-text
- EDUCAUSE Quarterly Online, 1998 forward, full-text
- e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 1995 forward, full-text
- Electronic Journal of Science Education, 1996 forward, full-text
- From Now On, the Educational Technology Journal, 1991 forward, full-text
- Interactions, 1997 forward, full-text
- Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 1999-2005, full-text
- International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 1997 forward, full-text
- International Journal of Education and the Arts, 2000 forward, full-text
- International Journal of Educational Technology, 1999 forward, full-text
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2000 forward, full-text
- Issues in Educational Research, 1991 forward, full-text
- Journal of American Indian Education, 1991 forward, significant full-text
- Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 1997 forward, full-text
- Journal of Career and Technical Education, 2000 forward, full-text [formerly Journal of Vocational and Technical Education]
- Journal of Extension, 1987 forward, full-text
- Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 1995 forward, significant full-text
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1996 forward, full-text
- Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2000 forward, full-text
- Journal of Technology Education, 1989 forward, full-text
- Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment, 2002 forward, full-text
- Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 1994-1999, full-text
- KAIROS: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 1996 forward, full-text
- Language and Literacy, 1999 forward, full-text
- Language Learning and Technology, 1997 forward, full-text
- Le Magazine, 2000 forward, full-text
- Meridian, 1998 forward, full-text
- National Crosstalk, 1997 forward, full-text
- New Horizons for Learning Online Journal, current and back issues, significant full-text
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 1998 forward, full-text
- Ontario Action Researcher, 1998 forward, full-text
- Philosophy of Education Yearbook, 1992-1999, full-text
- Reading in a Foreign Language, 2002 forward, full-text
- Reading Online, 1997 forward, full-text
- School Library Media Research, 1998 forward, full-text
- School Reform News, 1997 forward, full-text
- Technology and Learning, current and back issues, full-text
- University Affairs, 1999 forward, online edition
Top of Page
Statistical Resources
United States
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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 1997/11/06 Last updated: 2006/11/01
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