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Collections of Music
Band Music
- See also: Shape Note Music
- See also: Gospel Music
- a comprehensive index of hymns and hymnals
- CyberHymnal
- Hymn Tune Archive, Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary, Stephen Hutcheson, Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Hymns of the Christian Church, Harvard Classics, Vol. 45, Part 2, 1909-1914
- Hymnals of the Stone-Campbell Movement: Enos E. Dowling Hymnal Collection, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary
- Parish hymns. A collection of hymns for public, social, and private worship. Selected and original. Philadelphia: H. Perkins, 1850, Making of America
- The revivalist: a new selection of hymns and spiritual songs, designed for the use of conference meetings, private circles, and the class room, Washington Glass. Columbus [Ohio]: Scott & Bascom, 1853, Making of America
- Social psalmist, or hymns, selected for the private use and social meetings of Evangelical Christians, New-York: Newman & Ivison, 1852, Making of America
- The Baptist hymnal: a collection of hymns and spiritual songs, William Rawson Stevenson, London, 1885
- The Baptist praise book,
Richard Fuller, Edgar Mortimer Levy, Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, New York, Chicago,: A. S. Barnes & company, 1872, Making of America
- Lutheran Hymnals, Project Wittenberg Lutheran Electronic Archive
- Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion, Samuel Longfellow, 15th ed., Unitarian/Universalist hymnal, Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Sheet Music
- Sheet Music from Canada's Past, Library and Archives Canada
- British Columbia Sheet Music
- Sheet Music Consortium, UCLA
- Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920, American Memory
- Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885, American Memory
- America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets, American Memory
- African-American Sheet Music, 1850-1920, Brown University, American Memory
- Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920, Duke University
- Lester S. Levy Sheet Music Collection, Johns Hopkins University
- Maine Music Box, University of Maine
- Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection, Mississippi State University
- Historic Sheet Music, University of Oregon
- Mills Music Library Special Collections, University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
- Danish National Sheet Music Archive, Royal Library
- Ward Irish Sheet Music Archives, Ward Irish Music Archives
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Created: 2009/08/31 Last updated: 2013/10/22
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