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On the Nature of Books
The Nature of Libraries


There are many collections of publicly accessible, materials online. They may be "born electronic" or be digitized copies of print materials; they may be non-fiction and fiction; they may be old or new; they may be visual or oral or both; they may contain information on business, psychology, literature, computer science, history or just about any subject you care to name. This exercise is designed to get you started. To explore more books and other types of full-format material on your own, try the some of the links at: Public Access Full-Text

National Academies Press

The National Academies Press was established to publish the reports of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. Almost all of the titles included are available as public access full-text.

Beginning on the home page, choose Browse by Topic, find the heading for Food and Nutrition and click on it.

What four subtopics are available?

As you pull the page down, you will find books assigned the Food and Nutrition heading listed in reverse chronological order. Look for Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy: Assessment of the Global Burden, Causes, Prevention, Management, and Public Policy, published in 2016, and click directly on the title.

This title is available as a "prepublication." What is a prepublication? What are the implications if, as a student or researcher, you decide to use information appearing in a prepublication?

What does clicking on the tab marked Resources show you?

What does clicking on the tab marked Stats show you?

Although you have immediate access to read Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy on NAP, if you want to download a PDF copy, what must you have (besides a pdf viewer ...) or do?

To read this book, click the Read Online link.

According to this book, there are seven types of food that "can contain a major or several allergenic proteins." What are the seven types of food?

Using Table C-1, tell me one of the "factors affecting the accuracy of prevalence surveys."

What was the influence of non-participation bias in the "Surveying Prevalence of Food Allergy in All Canadian Environments" study?

In Finding a Path ..., the appendices show the search strategies used to produce the literature relevant to food allergy prevalence and risk determinants.

The authors searched four databases for systematic reviews and primary studies. What were those databases?

What two databases were searched specifically to identify systematic reviews?

How did the authors develop their search strategy to identify primary studies?

How did the authors develop their search strategies for Embase and ISI Web of Science databases?

What was the study exclusion criteria applied to the risk determinants literature search?

HathiTrust Digital Library

HathiTrust holds a digital collection of fiction, non-fiction, verse, reference works, periodicals, and more. Its records can be searched through the catalog or you can search the full-text of its contents. Those affiliated with partner institutions are able to log in and take advantage of enhanced features but anyone is allowed to search the collection and "access fully viewable material."

You are looking for a book called Ten nights in a bar-room by T. S. Arthur. Sometimes the word bar-room is hyphenated, sometimes the term appears as two separate words, and sometimes it appears as a single word. In this database, the hyphen will translate as a space. If we needed to be sure of retrieving all iterations of this title, we would also have to try "ten nights in a barroom". For now, we will only search "ten nights in a bar room".

In HathiTrust, click on the Catalog tab. Enter "ten nights in a bar room" and set the field to Title. De-select Full view only to see all of the works with this title which appear in the catalog. You should retrieve about 23.

Which of the returned works are not available in full-text?

These works show a link which says "Limited (search only)" Explain what that means -- and why are these works are unavailable to you in full-text.

In the Catalog Search Results, find the record for Ten nights in a bar-room published in 1836. According to the record, what is the full title of this work?

Does that title sound right? When searching online catalogues and other computer based systems, it is sometimes helpful to remember that the information has been entered by human beings who may make mistakes. A tolerance for ambiguity may prove useful. Click on the link to Catalog Record and then on the link to Full View to check the title page.
What is the actual title of the work?

Timothy Shay Arthur wrote another work with a similar title which appeared in 1842. Six nights with the Washingtonians records his impressions of the Washingtonian Society, a temperance organization formed in a Baltimore tavern in April 1840. The Washingtonian movement had a profound effect on American life and the operations of the more traditional, mainstream temperance movement so you might be curious about the reception Arthur's book received at the time. You would expect that a then-popular periodical called Brother Jonathan reviewed it and might like to know if other periodicals reprinted the remarks of Brother Jonathan as part of their own reviews.

To do this, you should try the Advanced full-text search which you can find on the main page, or by using this link, Advanced full-text search.

In the first search box, set "this exact phrase" key six nights with the washingtonians and set Only Full-Text. In the second search box, set "this exact phrase" key brother jonathan and set Full-Text + All Fields. In the Limits, set Full View Only and set the year of publication between 1841 to 1845.

How many results did you get?

From our results, it looks as if Brother Jonathan mentioned the work several times. Find the record for Brother Jonathan. v.2 1842 Apr-Aug. This time click directly on full-view -- if you click on catalog record, you will get a list of all the volumes and issues and right now, we are only interested in the one(s) which contain remarks about Six nights with the Washingtonians.

At the top you should see a box which allows you to "Search in this text" Key "six nights with the washingtonians" and click Find. You should receive two results. Was Six Nights ... originally published as a book or did it appear in some other form?

In the June 4 issue, Brother Jonathan comments on the second tale within Six Nights ... . What is the name of that tale?

Go Back to "Full text search" results using the link on the upper left side of the screen. Find the record for Godey's magazine. v.24-25 1842 Jan-Jun and click full-view. Godey's was a well-known and influential magazine for ladies.

Godey's reviews the work twice between January and June. In its review of Six Nights ... in June 1842, how does Godey's describe the abilities of Arthur as a writer?

Who was the publisher of the version of Six Nights ... being reviewed by Godey's magazine? Hmmm ...

Name two other "leading journals" quoted by Godey's in its June review (besides Brother Jonathan).

What did The New world. A weekly family journal of popular literature, science, art and news. v.5 1842, think of T. S. Arthur and Six Nights ...?

The phrase "brother jonathan" does not appear with this particular review article in The New World. However, according to our search it must be somewhere in the July - December 1842 issues of The New World. Can you find it elsewhere in this journal? What does The New World think of Brother Jonathan?

Chronicling America

An endeavour of the Library of Congress, Chronicling America provides access to a searchable collection of American newspapers from 1789 to 1924.

You are curious how newspapers outside New Brunswick, and Canada, treated events such as Saint John's "Great Fire" of June 20, 1877. While it had a huge impact locally, how was it viewed elsewhere?

At Chronicling America, click on the Advanced Search tab. Select a Date Range of 06/20/1877 to 07/20/1877. Search all the words fire brunswick, and the phrase st john.

How many results did you receive?

Why did we spell Saint John as St. John?

Sort the results by Date (see the drop down menu?). Likely, your first result will be the Memphis daily appeal, June 21, 1877.

The news article in this paper is very short but the lack of information is not because of a lack of interest. How does the newspaper explain the paucity of information?

Look for the New York Herald for June 21, 1877 among the results. Its news story is much longer and detailed. How did it manage to get its information?

At the end of the article, the paper describes the city, including information on the harbour, Partridge Island and an explanation of why it has both an Upper and Lower Cove. How does it describe the harbour?

The following day, the New York Herald included a map of the city showing the burned area, and a report on the Mayor's plea for aid. Several cities immediately began organizing a response. Please tell me the names of three of them.

When gathered, how were the provisions for relief to be transported from these cities to Saint John?

How much money did Halifax raise for Saint John within half an hour?

Not every American newspaper that has been digitized appears in Chronicling America. Some may appear in state collections, such as the NYS Historic Newspapers project, and others may appear in library collections such as Historic Cambridge Newspaper Collection, Cambridge Public Library, and the Brooklyn Newsstand, a project of Brooklyn Public Library. Some titles were digitized to aid particular types of searches, such the creation by Boston College of the Information Wanted database which facilitates searches of the "Missing Friends" column from the Boston Pilot.

Cornell Digital Collections

Cornell University Library has a large and varied group of Digital Collections. Among them is the Digital Witchcraft Collection, Historical math monographs and the Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Collection.

Using the Hearth: home economics archive, find the book Care of children, published in 1907.

According to this book, what should a mother give a child suffering from colic?

In this same archive, what does Practical talks on the care of children (c1922) suggest?

Project Bartleby

Project Bartleby holds a collection of fiction, non-fiction, verse, and reference works -- all available in full-text. Look in the fiction section and find 1001 Tales of the Arabian Nights, sometimes simply called Arabian Nights. This particular version of Arabian Nights is part of a larger collection. What is that collection called?

Find the tale entitled: "The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

In what location did this story take place?

Ali Baba discovers the secret to a mysterious cave full of treasure. What magic words must he say to open and close the door to this cave?

This phrase is explained at the end of the story and there is an explanation of the origin of the "talismanic" word and, possibly, the origin of the story itself. Where might the tale have come from?

Online Books Page

Go to the Online Books Page, University of Pennsylvania. This site is searchable by title, author, and subject; you can even browse by LC call number.

You are wondering about books by John Buchan, a former Governor General of Canada.

How many books written by John Buchan are listed?

Buchan re-used one of his titles, first as the title of a political book and later as the title of a Richard Hannay novel.

What is this title?

When writing the political work, Buchan and his co-author used pseudonyms. What were the pseudonyms and who was his co-author?

The John Buchan Society says: "Sadly this fascinating book is hard to find. Only the largest libraries have it, usually still hidden in the catalogue under the pseudonym of its authors."

Does UNB Libraries have it and if so, what is its location and call number?

In the record for the UNB Libraries' edition of this book, published in 1920, there are several subject headings. What are they? Are they actually correct? Why or why not?

According to WorldCat, what other libraries hold the edition of this work held by UNB Libraries?

Online Medieval and Classical Library

Go to the Online Medieval and Classical Library. This specialized online library is located at Berkeley. It contains a number of early works, many of which provide the foundation for the legends and tales of knights, dragons, wizards and heroes popular in western culture. One of the most famous is the story of Lancelot, a knight of the Round Table in the court of King Arthur. On this site you will find the story of Lancelot as told by Chretien deTroyes.

What is the sub-title of this story?

In what language was this story originally written?

In Part I: Vv. 31-172, where does it say Arthur came from and where did he hold court?

According to the note, where was his court "situated"?

NCBI Bookshelf

The contents of the Bookshelf from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, includes reports, books, documentation and databases, covering subjects such as public health, evidence-based medicine, and health policy. Users are able to search the Bookshelf, as well as browse by title, form of the item and publisher.

Go to the Bookshelf and click on Advanced search builder.

The searchable fields in the Bookshelf include common to many bibliographic search engines (author, editor, title, isbn) but also include some more unusual ones. What is PMID ... Rid?

When searching, users need to be aware of the many stopwords within the system. These can have a major impact on your search and the results. What is a stopword?

Tell me three stopwords beginning with the letter S that will not operate within the Bookshelf.

Are you able to use pmid as a search word, rather than a field code? Why or why not?

What does "Show index list" do?

Does the content of the index list change when you alter the field code? Why?

In the Advanced search, leave the field menu set to All Fields, key "gene" and search. How many items were retrieved?

On the right hand side of the page, the system will display the Search Details. How did the system interpret your search -- that is, what did it search?

If you key "gene"[All Fields] in the basic search box at the top of this page, how many items are retrieved and how does the system interpret your search?

If you go back to the Advanced search page and key "gene"[All Fields] with the field menu set to All Fields, how many items are retrieved and how does the system interpret your search?

Does this seem a bit odd? Any explanation?

On the Advanced search page, with the field menu set to All Fields, key ("post traumatic stress" OR "ptsd") AND "yoga" and search. One of the items retrieved should be: Yoga for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ...
Who authored this study?

What research questions were pursued in this study?

What did this study conclude about the effectiveness of yoga in treating PTSD, GAD, depression and SA?

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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 2017/01/12 Last updated: 2017/01/22
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