Related resources:
Tourism and Travel Main Page
Travel and Tourism History
Travel and Nature Writing
- Rural Tourism: An Annotated Bibliography, Dennis M. Brown, Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, July 2008
- North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association
- Rural Profile Reports, Canadian Rural Information Service
- Rural Economy, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, University of Alberta
- Alternative Enterprises and Agritourism, USDA
- Agricultural Marketing Resource Center
- California Agri-Tourism Database, Small Farm Center
- Agritourism, UC Davis
- Regional Research, Regional, Public and Community Affairs Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Agritourism Reports, Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, University of Georgia
- Rural Tourism-Related Journal Publications, Conference Proceedings, and Popular Press Articles, RuralTRIP, Purdue Tourism and Hospitality Research Center, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
- Direct Farm Marketing and Tourism Handbook, Arizona
- Agritourism, Agriculture and Consumer Services, North Carolina
- Entertainment Farming and Agri-Tourism, Business and Marketing Series, ATTRA, March 2001
- Promoting Tourism in Rural America, compiled by Liam R. Kennedy, Rural Information Center Publication Series, No. 60. Revised Edition, April 1998
- Agroecotur, National Network of Agritourism and Ecotourism Services
- European Centre for Ecological
and Agricultural Tourism
Top of Page
General Resources
- [Search Ecotourism papers], eSpace, University of Queensland
- International Ecotourism Society
- EUROPARC Federation
- Leave No Trace, Center for Outdoor Ethics
- Ecotourism, Mountain Forum On-Line Library
- Tourism and Environmental Programme, UNEP
- SCP Publications, Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch, UNEP
- Developing Naturally: An Exploratory Process for Nature-Based Community Tourism, Thomas D. Potts and Allan P. C. Marsinko, Clemson University
- A Global Perspective on Trends in Nature-Based Tourism, Andrew Balmford et al., PLoS Biol. 2009 June; 7(6): e1000144, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000144
- Evidence for a fundamental and pervasive shift away from nature-based recreation, Oliver R. W. Pergams and Patricia A. Zaradic, PNAS February 19, 2008 vol. 105 no. 7 2295-2300, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0709893105
- Portfolio of Statements and Presentations, World Ecotourism Summit, Quebec, 19-22 May, 2002
- Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, World Ecotourism Summit, Quebec, 19-22 May, 2002
- Final Report, World Ecotourism Summit, Quebec, 19-22 May, 2002
- International Trends in Park Tourism, Paul F. J. Eagles, EUROPARC 2001, 3 -7 October 2001, Hohe Tauern National Park, Matrei, Austria, Edition 4: 17 September 2001
- Task Force on Tourism and Protected Areas, World Commission on Protected Areas, April 1996
Africa and Middle East
- Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 1998 forward, significant full-text
- Place, Prospects and Power: Community-Based Conservation, Partnerships, and Ecotourism Enterprise in Namibia, Arthur Hoole, presented at "Governing Shared Resources: Connecting Local Experience to Global Challenges," 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons, Cheltenham, England, July 14-18, 2008
- Potential of ecotourism development in the Lake Bosumtwi Basin A case study of Ankaase in the Amansie East District, Ghana, Siddharth Prakash, et al., SEFUT Working Paper No. 15, Freiburg, May 2005
- Evaluating the Design and Management of Community-Based Ecotourism Projects in Guatemala, Kassandra Lynne
Miller, Thesis, Master of Science, University of Montana, 2008
- "A Little Lizard among Crocodiles":
Ecotourism and Indigenous Negotiations in the Peruvian Rainforest, Jessica Herrera, Thesis, Master of Arts, University of Manitoba, 2007
- Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Costa Rica, Bernardo Duha Buchsbaum, Major Paper Submitted to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Master of Public and International Affairs, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, May 3, 2004
- Economic Impacts of Protecting Rivers, Trails, and Greenway Corridors, Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance, National Park Service, 1995, 4th ed rev.
- Pacific Islands Ecotourism: A Public Policy and Planning Guide, Juanita C. Liu, Pacific Business Center Program, University of Hawaii
- Ecotourism Planning Kit: A Business Planning Guide for Ecotourism Operators
in the Pacific Islands, Sherry M. Bushnell, Pacific Business Center Program, University of Hawaii
- Ecotourism Australia
- Linking Green Productivity to Ecotourism : Experiences in the Asia-Pacific Region, Asian Productivity Organization, 2002
- Key Issues in Eco-tourism Development: A Tale of Two Islands, Ken Peattie, Dallas Hanson, and Rhett H Walker, Working Paper Series, no. 99-03, School of Management, University of Tasmania
- Two Way Track: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecotourism, Biodiversity Paper no. 5, Biodiversity Unit, Department of Environment, Sport and Territories, Australia
- Electronic Publications, Department of Tourism, University of Otago, New Zealand
- Ecotourism and Community-based Ecotourism in the Mekong Region, Anucha Leksakundilok, Working Paper No. 10, Australian Mekong Resource Centre, University of Sydney, February 2004
- Pacific Islands Ecotourism: A Public Policy and Planning Guide, Juanita C. Liu, Pacific Business Center Program, University of Hawaii
- Ecotourism Planning Kit: A Business Planning Guide for Ecotourism Operators
in the Pacific Islands, Sherry M. Bushnell, Pacific Business Center Program, University of Hawaii
Top of Page
- Event Evaluation Network
- Dark Tourism: Understanding Visitor Motivation at Sites of Death and Disaster, Stephanie Marie Yuill, Thesis, Master of Science, Texas A&M, 2003
- The Influential Role of Promotions: A Study of How Promotions Affect Event Perception and Influence the Decision to Attend a Public Special Event, Lyndsey Romano Hutchins, Thesis, Master of Science, Texas Tech University, August 2008
- What motivates event tourists?, Frances Cassidy, International Conference on Business and Information, Singapore, 12-14 July 2006
Top of Page
- Food and Wine Tourism, New South Wales
- Wine and Tourism: Cluster Complementarity and Regional Development, Pamela J. McRae-Williams, Tourism Research: Advances and Applications, New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 2004
- The Instability of the Cellar Door Service Construct - An Exploratory Study!, Martin A. O’Neill and Ronald Groves, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Wellington, 29 November - 1 December 2004
- The Nk’Mip Cellars: Wine and Wine Tourism with an Indigenous Flavour, Robert B. Anderson, Scott McGillivray, Robert J. Giberson, Proceedings, International Colloquium in Wine Marketing, Adelaide, 26-27 July, 2003
- Attract, Engage and Entertain: Wine as an Experience!, Jane Ali-Knight and Leyland Pitt, Australian and New Zealand Marketing
Academy Conference, Massey University, 1 - 5 December 2001
- Cadbury World
- "No Hay Guerra y No Hay Dinero" There is No War, and There is No Money: A Case Study of the Organic Coffee and Ecotourism Programs of UCA Miraflor, Nicaragua, Jeffrey Alan
Gutierrez, Thesis, Master of Arts, University of Montana, 2009
Top of Page
General Resources
- Cultural Heritage Tourism, Partners in Tourism
- World Heritage Centre, UNESCO
- Organization of World Heritage Cities
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
- International Council on Monuments and Sites
- Charter of Cultural Tourism, ICOMOS
- Cultural Tourism [Declarations and Charters], International Council of Museums
- Cultural Tourism, UNESCO
- Cultural Tourism, Flinders Academic Community
- Cultural and Heritage Tourism, Social Sciences, Intute
- Working Paper Series, Center for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University
- Cultural Heritage Tourism Resource Manual, National Endowment for the Arts
Africa and Middle East
- Cultural and Heritage Tourism, Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
- Parks Canada
- World Heritage, Parks Canada
- Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, Parks Canada
- Heritage Conservation: A Community Guide, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and the Arts, British Columbia
- Heritage Planning: A Guide for Local Government, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and the Arts, British Columbia
- Cultural Tourism Economic Impact Study, Langley, BC, September 2003
- Resources and Reports, Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Heritage Tourism, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- National Heritage Areas, NPS, US
- Bibliography of Heritage Development Sources, Heritage Development Institute
- Improving the Heritage Program, USDA Forest Service
- American Heritage Rivers, US EPA
- Economic Impacts of National Heritage Area
Visitor Spending; Summary Results from Seven National Heritage Area Visitor Surveys, Daniel J. Stynes and Ya-Yen Sun, Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University, June 2004
- A Case Study of Black Heritage Tourism, Stephanie Elaine Freeman, Thesis, Master of Science, North Carolina State University, 2007
- President's Lincoln's Commute Route: A Heritage Tourism Opportunity?, Angela Susanne Brown, Thesis, Master of Science, University of Florida, 2004
- Cultural Heritage Tourism: Practical Applications, Arizona Humanities Council, 2000
- Heritage Tourism Background Memorandum, prepared by the North Dakota Legislative Council staff for the Commerce and Labor Committee, July 1999
- Pennsylvania Heritage Tourism Study, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania, May 1999
- Cultural Tourism Toolkit, Texas Commission on the Arts
- Heritage Tourism Toolkit, Utah State Historical Society
- Cultural heritage tourism toolkit, Vermont Arts Council
- Cultural Data Online, Cultural Ministers Council, Australia
- Publications, Australian Heritage Council
- Australian Heritage Database, Department for the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Australia
- Publications, Heritage Council of Western Australia
- Places Database, Heritage Council of Western Australia
- Aboriginal Tourism Development Strategy for Western Australia, draft, Tourism Western Australia
- The future of history: cultural heritage tourism in Guangdong, Lu Huang, Thesis, Master of Business, AUT University, 2006
- Cultural Tourism Research, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, New Zealand
- The Architectural and Urban Heritage of Jakara: A Case Study for Planning for Cultural Tourism in Cities in Indonesia, Ronald Gill, Cultural Tourism, International Scientific Symposium, ICOMOS, 10th General Assembly, Sri Lanka, 1993
- European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Cultural Corridors of South East Europe
- Position Paper on The Encouragement of Cultural Tourism and the Mitigation of its Effects, Adopted by the Europa Nostra Council In Paris on 15 November 2006
- City Tourism and Culture: The European Experience, World Tourism Organization, February 2005
- Russian Cultural Tourism Planning, Marketing, and Development: A Case Study of the Sheremetev Castle, Stephanie Thorn, Thesis, Master of Arts, Geography, Marshall University, May 2009
Top of Page
- Literary Traveler
- BiblioTravel
- [Conference Papers], full-text, Literary Tourism and Nineteenth Century Culture, An International One-Day Conference, Literature Department of the Open University and the Institute of English Studies, University of London, 8 June 2007
- Canada: A Literary Tour, Library and Archives Canada
- This is My Country What's Yours?: A Literary Atlas of Canada, Noah Richler
- Literary Tourism: "The Anne Survey", Panel Research, Tourism Research Centre, School of Business, UPEI, 30 April 2009
- Literary Tourism and Sustainable Tourism: Promoting Anne of Green Gables in Prince Edward Island, Shelagh J. Squire, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 4, no. 3, 1996
- The Literary Landmarks Of Florence, Laurence Hutton, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 93, issue 558, November, 1896
- The Literary Landmarks Of Venice, Laurence Hutton, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 93, issue 554, July, 1896
- The Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem, Laurence Hutton, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 90, issue 538, March, 1895
- Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour, The Scottish Literary Tour Trust
- Edinburgh World City of Literature
- The Literary Landmarks Of Edinburgh, Laurence Hutton, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 82, issue 490, March, 1891
- Seeking Austen, from Abroad: Lori Smith’s Memoir "A Walk with Jane Austen" (2007), Juliette Wells, Transnational Literature, Volume 1 No 2, May 2009
- Bronte Country
- Dickens, The Haunting Man (On Literature), Steven Connor, an extended version of a paper given at the conference A Man For All Media: The Popularity of Dickens 1902-2002, Institute for English Studies, July 25-27 2002
- Language of the Land: Journey into Literary America, Exhibition, Library of Congress
- Literary Landmarks, ALTAFF, ALA
- Denver's Literary Landmarks Diving Tour, City and County of Denver
- Mississippi's Literary Landmarks, Mississippi Writers Page
- Missouri's Literary Heritage, Missouri Center for the Book
- Ohio Literary Map, Ohio Center for the Book
- So What if Poe Was Here? Identifying and Evaluating Virginia's Literary Landmarks, Emily Kane, American Studies program, University of Virginia
- Libraries and Tourism, UNESCO Libraries Portal
Top of Page
- Medical Tourism Research Center, University of North Carolina
- New AMA Guidelines on Medical Tourism, American Medical Association
- Medical Tourism: Update and Implications, Deloitte, 2009
- Market Demand Assessment and Marketing Strategy for Medical Tourism, Lisa Beichl, USAID, 2009
- Nip, Tuck and Click: Medical Tourism and the Emergence of Web-Based Health Information, Neil Lunt, Mariann Hardey, and Russell Mannion, Open Med Inform J. 2010; 4: 1–11, doi: 10.2174/1874431101004010001
- Medical Tourism: Globalization of the Healthcare Marketplace, Michael D. Horowitz, Jeffrey A. Rosensweig, and Christopher A. Jones, MedGenMed. 2007; 9(4): 33
- Suicide Tourism in Manhattan, New York City, 1990–2004, Charles Gross et al., J Urban Health. 2007 November; 84(6): 755–765, doi: 10.1007/s11524-007-9224-0
- Spa, Health & Wellness: Foreign Competitor Profiles, prepared by Association Resource Centre Inc., Research and Strategy
Division, December 2006
Top of Page
- Annotated Sacred Landscape Bibliography, Catherine Yronwode
- Virtual Hajj, Muhammed: Legacy of a Prophet, PBS
- Travelers' Accounts, Internet History Sourcebooks Project
- Tourism as Modern Pilgrimage: A Museum in Bruges, Belgium, Johanna Aida Vandemoortele, Thesis, Master of Architechture, September 2009
- Backcountry Adventure as Spiritual Experience: A Means-End Study, Paul E. Marsh, Dissertation, Indiana University, May 2007
- Religious tourists : constructing authentic experiences in late modern Hungarian catholicism, Bertalan
Pusztai, Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä, 2004
- Community Approaches to Natural Resources Management: Sacred and Non-Sacred Landscapes in Nepal, Deen B. Bhatta, Thesis, Master of Environmental Science, Miami University, Environmental Sciences, 2003
- Goddess pilgrims as tourists: inscribing the body through sacred travel, Kathryn Rountree, Sociology of Religion, Winter 2002
- Panel No. 46: Spirit and Power of Sacred Places, and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, European Association for South Asian Studies, several papers presented available for download
- Culture, Spirituality, and Economic Development: Opening a Dialogue, William F. Ryan, IDRC 1995
Top of Page
- Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance
- Perceptions of service quality, satisfaction and the intent to return among tourists attending a sporting event, David J. Shonk, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, 2006
- Key Documents, including bid books, Canada 2010
- The Economic impact of the 2010 Vancouver, Canada, Winter Olympics on Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, Field Hearing before the Subcommittee on Trade, Tourism, and Economic Development of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, US Senate, 109th Congress, First Session, S. HRG. 109–472, August 5, 2005
- Economic and Tourism Aspects of the Olympic Games, P. De Groot,
GaWC Research Bulletin 154, 2005
- Olympic Games Impact Study: Final Report, Price Waterhouse Cooper, December 2005
- The Economic Impact of the Sydney Olympic Games, Treasury, New South Wales, TRP 97-10 November 1997
- Golf in Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions (MICE) Tourism: Perceptions of Meeting Planners, Brandi Nice, Thesis, Master of Science, University of Florida, 2004
- Niche Tourism in Scotland: Golf and Business Tourism, SPICe Briefing 02/94, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee, Scottish Parliament, 21 August 2002
- Towards a national sports tourism strategy, draft, Sport and Tourism Division, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Australia, 2000
Top of Page
- See also: Heritage / Cultural Tourism, Country and Region, and Ecotourism / Adventure Tourism
- Sustainable Development of Tourism, World Tourism Organisation
- Environment Canada's Sustainable Development Strategy
- Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009: Towards a Culture of Conservation, Parks Canada
- Sustainable Design and the Tourism Industry, Industry Canada
- Sustainability Best Practice Guides, Ministry of Economic Development, New Zealand
- Sustainable Development of Tourism, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, UK
- Research [Publications]: Planning, building and the environment, Communities and Local Government, UK
- USAID Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Consumption & Production Branch, UNEP
- EBooks: Green Productivity, Asian Productivity Organization
- Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism, Convention on Biological Diversity
- United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
- National Information, United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Tourism, United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
- Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 1999 forward, significant full-text
- Sustainable tourism development in small island developing states, Document E/CN.17/1996/20/Add.3 of 29 February 1996, UNEP
- Sustainable Tourism in Latin America & the Caribbean, World Bank
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Created: 1999/09/20 Last updated: 2010/09/09
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