Related resources:
Consumer Information, Electronic Sources and Resources
Collective Resources
Organizations, Institutions, Agencies
News and Events
News, International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network
Papers, Studies and Reports
- See also: specific subjects, below
- Results of the 2006 Australian Computer Crime and Security Survey, back surveys also available, AusCERT
- OECD Guidelines for Protecting Consumers from Fraudulent and Deceptive Commercial Practices Across Borders, OECD, 3 June 2003
- Mass-Marketing Fraud: A Report to the Attorney General of the United States and the Solicitor General of Canada, Binational Working Group on Cross-Border Mass-Marketing Fraud, May 2003
- Inquiry into Fraud and Electronic Commerce: Emerging Trends and Best Practice Responses, Discussion Paper, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee, Parliament of Victoria, October 2002
- Organized Crime and Cybercrime Criminal Investigations and Intelligence on the Cutting Edge, Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf, Technical Report, Information Technology Series, Canadian Police College, Ottawa 2001
- Electronic Crime Needs Assessment for State and Local Law Enforcement, Hollis Stambaugh, NCJ 186276, March 2001
- Etailing: New Opportunities for Crime, New Opportunities for Prevention, Graeme Newman and Ronald V. Clarke, produced for the Foresight Crime Prevention Panel, by the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, UCL
- Computer Crime: A Joint Report, State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation and the Attorney General of New Jersey, June 2000
- The Electronic Frontier: the challenge of unlawful conduct involving the use of the Internet, A Report of the President's Working Group on Unlawful Conduct on the Internet, March 2000
Top of Page
General Resources
- National Anti-Fraud Network, UK
- Internet Fraud, Department of Justice, US
- Internet Fraud, FBI
- Consumer Sentinel, US
- OECD Guidelines for Protecting Consumers from Fraudulent and Deceptive Commercial Practices Across Borders, OECD, 3 June 2003
- Controlling Fraud on the Internet: A CAPA Perspective, Russell G. Smith and Gregor Urbas, Research and Public Policy Series, no. 39, Australian Institute of Criminology, 2001
- Perils of Internet Fraud: an Empirical Investigation of Deception and Trust with Experienced Internet Consumers, Stefano Grazioli and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, White Papers: CCI Research, University of Texas, Spring 2000
- The Prevention of Plastic and Cheque Fraud: A Briefing Paper, Michael Levi, prepared for Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 27 June 2000
- The "Social Engineering" of Internet Fraud, Jonathan J. Rusch, INET'99 Proceedings
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on "Internet Fraud", Before the Subcommittee on Investigations of the Governmental Affairs Committee, US Senate, February 10, 1998
- State of New York v. Lipsitz, Office of the Attorney General, Internet Bureau, New York State, Internet Spam Scam Judgment, June 1997
- National Charity Reports Index, Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance
- Charitable Standards, Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance
- GuideStar, National Database of Nonprofit Organizations
- Search for Charities, online version of Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organizations, IRS
- For Non Profit, Australian Taxation Office
- Charitable Organisations in Australia, Industry Commission Inquiry Report, Productivity Commission, Australia, 15 March 1995
- Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
- RECOL, Reporting Economic Crime Online, National White Collar Crime Centre of Canada
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
- The Fight Against Money Laundering, Economic Perspectives, vol. 6, no. 2, May 2001
- Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, OECD
- Investor Alerts, Ontario Securities Commission
- Investment Frauds and Scams, Ontario Securities Commission
- Investor Education and Assistance, US Securities and Exchange Commission
- The Internet and Online Trading, US Securities and Exchange Commission
- Customer Protection, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Guidelines For Offers To Sell Or To Purchase Securities Or Commodities On The Internet, Office of the Attorney General, New York State
- Guidelines for Broker-Dealers, Investment Advisors, Broker-Dealer Agents And Investment Advisor Representatives Using The Internet For General Dissemination Of Information On Products And Services, Office of the Attorney General, New York State
- Chain Distributor Schemes, Attorney General of Washington
- In Ponzi We Tru$t, Smithsonian Magazine
- Multi-Level Marketing: Legit Deal or Pyramid Scheme, 'Lectric Law Library
- Consumer Alerts, Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- Public Law / Gaming, American Bar Association, Chicago-Kent College of Law
- LII Backgrounder on Gambling, Legal Information Institute, Cornell University
- An Analysis of Internet Gambling and its Policy Implications, David O. Stewart, Ropes and Gray, LLP, American Gaming Association
- Internet Gambling: An Overview of the Issues, GAO-03-89, December 2002
- Final Report, National Gambling Impact Study Commission
- Internet Gambling: Special Report, Washington Post
- Internet Gambling: Popular, Inexorable, and (Eventually) Legal, Tom W. Bell, Cato Policy Analysis No. 336, March 1999
- Inquiry into Australia's Gambling Industry, Productivity Commission, December 1999
- Gambling on the Internet, Cynthia R. Janower, Boston Consulting Group, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communications, vol. 2, no. 2
- Phishing: A new form of identity theft, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
- RECOL, Reporting Economic Crime Online, National White Collar Crime Centre of Canada
- Consumer Alerts: Phishing Scam, US FDIC
- Identity Theft, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
- Identity Theft, RCMP
- Identity Theft: Who's Using Your Name?, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, June 1997
- ID Theft Data Clearinghouse: IDTheft Charts and Reports, Consumer Sentinel
- Identity Theft, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Identity Theft, US Consumer Gateway
- Identity Theft: Laws, US Consumer Gateway
- Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft, FTC
- Identity Theft, Office of Privacy Protection, California
- FAQ Identity Theft, Office of the Attorney General, Virginia
- Identity Theft: The Crime of the New Millennium, Sean B. Hoar, US Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, United States Attorneys’ USA Bulletin, vol. 49, no. 2, March 2001
- Identity Theft: Final Report, Economic Crimes Policy Team, United States Sentencing Commission, 1999
- Identity Theft, Home Office, UK
- Shopping on the Internet, Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada
- Good Practice in e-Tailing, Home Office Crime Reduction Centre, UK
- Online Shopping, FTC
- Internet Auctions: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers, FTC
- Going, Going, Gone: When Online Auction Users Lose Out to Phony Payment and Escrow Services, FTC
- Bidder Beware: Towards a Fraud-Free Marketplace – Best Practices for the Online Auction Industry, Office of the Attorney General, Washington, 2001
- Auctions on the Internet: What's Being Auctioned, and How?, David Lucking-Reiley, August 14, 1999
- Stopping Spam: Creating a Stronger, Safer Internet, Report of the Task Force on Spam, Digital Economy in Canada, May 2005
- Spam: For Consumers, US FTC
- The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers, US FTC
- False Claims in Spam, Division of Marketing Practices, US FTC, April 30, 2003
- Spam, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australia
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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 2000/08/06 Last updated: 2006/06/18
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