Related resources:
Governments and Government Organizations
- Countries and Regions, World Bank
- Country Information Page, IMF
- Statistics Portal, OECD
- Refworld Country Information, UNHCR
- Amnesty International
- Countries and Regions, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
- Country Insights, Centre for Intercultural Learning, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada
- UK and the World,
- Country Profiles, BBC News
- Country Studies: Area Handbooks from the Library of Congress
- CIA World Factbook
- Countries and Regions, US Department of State
- Country Analysis Briefs, US Department of Energy
- Where We Work, USAID
Business Demography
Demography and Population
Economic, Financial and Trade Policies and Data
- Country Profiles, FAO
- Export Markets -- Countries, Australian Trade Commission
- Do business across borders, Industry Canada
- Market Research, country and industry market reports,
- Market Research Library, US Commercial Service, Department of Commerce
- Country Energy Profiles, US Department of Energy
- Market Access Database, by country, European Commission
- AQUASTAT Country Profiles, FAO
- IMF Publications, including World Economic Outlooks
- Country Information, IMF
- [OECD Information by Country]
Top of Page
By Country / Region
- Government of Canada
- Embassies and Consulates, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Documents on Canadian External Relations, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- United States-Canada Relations, US Embassy, Canada
- Country and Regional Information [bilateral relations], Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, International Trade Canada
- Business, Consulate General, New York
- Export and Import Controls, International Trade Canada
- Office of the Chief Economist, International Trade Canada
Latin America and the Caribbean
- Latin American Network Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
- The Americas, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada
- Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank
- BiblioNoticias Series, Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas
- Commonwealth of Caribbean Islands: A Country Study, Library of Congress
- UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Social Panorama of Latin America, ECLAC
- CEPALSTAT, statistical information, ECLAC
- Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC
- Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC
United States
- USAGov, access to online US Federal Government resources
- American FactFinder, US Census Bureau
- Engaging the World, Bureau of International Information Programs, US Department of State
- Books, IIP Digital, Bureau of International Information Programs, US Department of State
- EBooks, IIP Digital, Bureau of International Information Programs,
- United States-Canada Relations, US Embassy, Canada
- Foreign Relations of the US, various volumes, full-text
- Briefing Room, Whitehouse
- Compilation of Presidential Documents, GPO Access
- State Magazine, 1999 forward, full-text
- State and County Quick Facts, US Census Bureau
- American Community Survey, US Census Bureau
- Business Data since 2002, US Census Bureau
- Economic Census 2007, industry series and geographic area series, US Census Bureau
- Economic Census 2002, industry series and geographic area series, US Census Bureau
- Company Statistics, US Census Bureau
- State Data Centers, US Census Bureau
Middle East and North Africa
Top of Page

This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 1998/02/12 Last updated: 2013/10/17
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This document: ...refer/country.htm