Related documents:
Marketing Research, Search Strategies and Design
Collective Resources
- GlobalEdge, International Business Resource Desk, Michigan State University
- eLab, Vanderbilt
- Advertising World, UTexas at Austin
- Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History, Duke University
- History of Advertising Trust
- Statistics Portal, OECD
- Advertising, Marketing, and Commercial Imagery Collections, Smithsonian Institution
- Social Science Research Network
- Government Social Research Service, Government Social Research Unit, HM Treasury, UK
Databases and Data Sets
Dictionaries, Glossaries, Thesauri
Handbooks and Manuals
Indexes and Abstracts
Marketing Plans
- Planning for Success: Your Guide to Preparing a Marketing Plan, ACOA
- Developing a Marketing Plan, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ontario
- Guide to Creating An Effective Marketing Plan, US Department of Transportation
- Small Business Planner, US SBA
- How to Create a Marketing Plan, Business Development Kit, Montana Department of Labor and Industry
- Developing a Marketing Plan for Agricultural Commodity Groups, Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Developing a Marketing Plan, Department of Planning and Community Development, Victoria, Australia
News and Current Awareness
Organizations and Associations
- Research Methodology
- Market Research and Statistics, Canada Business
- Guide to Market Research and Analysis, Canada Business
- Knowing Your Audience & Doing Market Research,
- Researching Your Market, Marketing Series, MT-8, US Small Business Administration
- Audience Research Basics, Prevention Communication Research Database, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- A Primer on Consumer Marketing Research: Procedures, Methods, and Tools
, Research and Special Programs Administration, US Department
of Transportation, March 1994
- Market Research Analysis Guide, Project Number: LC9622200, Air Force Logistics Management Agency
- Market Research Workbook, Missouri Small Business Development Centers
- A Newcomers' Guide to Market and Social Research, MRS
- Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1999 forward, significant full-text
- Advertising Age, online edition
- Adweek Online
- Australasian Marketing Journal, 1993-2008, full-text
- Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 1996 forward, full-text
- Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2000 forward, full-text
- Journal of Research for Consumers, 2001 forward, full-text
- Marketing Bulletin, 1990 forward, full-text
- Marketwise Magazine, 2003 forward, full-text
- Public Perspective Online, Roper Center in Public Perspective, 1989 to June 2003, full-text
- The Source, Mediamark Research & Intelligence, current and back issues, full-text
- Visions, Product Development and Management Association, 1995 forward, full-text
Top of Page
- Canadian Statistics
- Canada Business: Services for Entrepreneurs, Government of Canada
- Public Opinion Research in the Government of Canada, Public Opinion Research Directorate, Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Small Business Research and Policy, Industry Canada
- Market Reports, International Trade Canada
- Doing Business Abroad, Trade Commissioner Service, International Trade Canada
- Trade and Investment, Consulate General, New York
- Export and Import Controls, International Trade Canada
- Office of the Chief Economist, International Trade Canada
- Market Research Services, Small Business BC
- Market Research Tools, Business New Brunswick
United States
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Statistical Abstract of the United States, US Census Bureau
- County and City Data Book, US Census Bureau
- State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, US Census Bureau
- State and County Quick Facts, US Census Bureau
- American FactFinder, US Census Bureau
- American Community Survey, US Census Bureau
- Economic Census, industry series and geographic area series, US Census Bureau
- Census State Data Centers, US Census Bureau
- SBA Business Loans Approved, by state
- USA Trade Online
- Market Research,
- Market Research Library, US Commercial Service
- Consumer Expenditure Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Surveys of Consumers, University of Michigan
- General Social Survey, National Data Program for the Sciences, University of Chicago
Top of Page
Top of Page
- Green Marketing and the Trade Practices Act, Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
- Environmental Claims: A Guide for Industry and Advertisers: Enforcement Guidelines, Competition Bureau Canada, June 2008
- Guidelines for Green Marketing, Commerce Commission, New Zealand
- The Six Sins of Greenwashing: A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Consumer Markets, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc., November 2007
- FTC Green Guides Review, US
- Green Marketing,
- Green Power Network, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Library of Green Power Publications, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- GreenerChoices, Consumers Union of United States
- Green: a blog about energy and the environment, New York Times blogs
- Green marketing: Are environmental and social objectives compatible with profit maximization?, Andrea Woolverton and Carolyn Dimitri, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 25(2); 90–98, 2010, doi:10.1017/S1742170510000128
- Is it Green Marketing, Greenwash or Hogwash? We Need to Know if We Want to Change Things, L. Brennan, and W. Binney, Partnerships, Proof and Practice: International Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference 2008, Proceedings. Paper 18
- Green Marketing, Public Policy and Managerial Strategies, Aseem Prakash, Business Strategy and the Environment 11, 2002
The Industrial Green Game: Implications for Environmental Design and Management, Deanna J. Richards, Editor, National Academy of Engineering, 1997
Top of Page
Specific Industry / Sector
- Market Research and Analysis, Department of Agriculture, NS
- Marketing and Trade, NAL, USDA
- Marketing and Consumer Research, NAL, USDA
- Market Research, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA
- Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?, Board on Children, Youth and Families, Food and Nutrition Board, NAP, 2006
- Trade and International Markets, Economic Research Service, USDA
- Marketing Research and Information Systems, Marketing and Agribusiness Texts - 4, I.M. Crawford, Rome: FAO, 1997
- Fishermen's Direct Marketing Manual, University of Washington, 2007
- Who's my market? A guide to researching audiences and visitors in the arts, Australia Council of the Arts
- Defense Industrial Capability and Technology Assessments, Bureau of Industry and Security, US Department of Commerce
- WIPO Guide to Intellectual Property Outreach, 2007
- National Center for Health Marketing, CDC
- Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, 2007 forward, full-text
- Legacy Tobacco Documents Library, University of California, San Francisco
- Tourism and Travel: Markets and Marketing
- Virginia Transportation Marketing Research Database
- West Virginia Transit Marketing Manual: Get on the Bus and Ride, US Department of Transportation
- TCRP Web Document 8: Marketing Transit Services to Business, Transit Cooperative Research Program, The Federal Transit Administration, National Research Council, 1998
- Reports and Publications, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, US
- EERE Reports, EERE Market Transformation Research Team, Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate, ORNL
Top of Page
- Social Marketing Institute
- Social Marketing and Consumer Policy, Consumer Affairs Victoria [Australia], Research Paper No. 4, March 2006
- Social Marketing, Health Canada
- Social Marketing Roundtable, Healthy Living, Public Health Agency of Canada
- National Social Marketing Centre, UK
- Gateway to Health Communication & Social Marketing Practice, CDC
- Social Marketing Resources, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, CDC
- Social Marketing: SNAP-Ed, USDA
- Social Marketing Resource Manual: A Guide for State Nutrition Education Networks, Hillary Bellamy et al., USDA, April 1997
- Getting Your Feet Wet with Social Marketing: A Social Marketing Guide for Watershed Program, Jack Wilbur, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
- Social Marketing, TurningPoint, with links to The Basics of Social Marketing, The Manager's Guide to Social Marketing, Social Marketing and Public Health: Lessons from the Field, and the Social Marketing Resource Guide.
- Green: a blog about energy and the environment, New York Times blogs

This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
Comments and suggestions to:
Created: 2006/01/31 Last updated: 2010/09/20
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