Related documents:
Identifying and Accessing Grey Literature
Related sources and resources:
Public Access Full-Text
Associations, Organizations, Institutions ...
Current Awareness Materials
Guidelines and Standards
Papers, Studies, Reports, ...
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- Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature, Library of Congress
- AfricaBib, Bibliography of Africana Periodical Literature Database
- Index to Federal Royal Commissions, Library and Archives Canada
- Online Catalogue of Products and Services, bibliographic records for current publications and research papers (print and electronic), custom tabulations and services, produced by Statistics Canada
- BiblioCat, bibliographic access to Statistics Canada's documents produced in paper and electronic form, and monographs, serials and annual reports published by the Canadian federal and provincial governments
- Latin America Open Archives Portal, LANIC
- Twentieth Century Latin American Pamphlets, Rutgers University
- British Library Integrated Catalogue
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Images ...
- Plants, standard information about vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S.; includes: classification, data, images
- Catalog of Botanical Illustrations, database of more than 3000 botanical illustrations
- Canadian Society of Zoologists Collections
- Digital Media, US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Line Art (Drawings), US Fish and Wildlife Service
- NASA Image eXchange, searchable database of multimedia from several NASA units
- Visible Earth, NASA
- PictureAustralia
- Australian Prints and Printmaking, subject bibliography, significant full-text, significant image collection
Top of Page
- OAIster, academically-oriented digital resources, University of Michigan
- Catalog of US Government Publications, formerly the Monthly Catalog, US Government Printing Office, indexes a significant percentage of US federal publications
- NTIS Product Search, National Technical Information Service
- Science Accelerator, US government
- STINET, bibliographic access to the technical reports collection of the Defense Technical Information Center
- Information Bridge, full-text and bibliographic records of the US Department of Energy (DOE) research and development reports
- Energy Citations Database, bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information, US Department of Energy (DOE)
- GAO Reports, US GPO
- Theses Portal, Library and Archives Canada
- UNESCO Documents and Publications, bibliographic records, and full-text
Anthropology, Archaeology ...
Art / Fine Arts
Biology, Botany ...
Business and Economics
Criminology and Law
- See also: Law and Legal Resources
- NCJRS Abstracts Database, summaries of more than 150,000 publications on criminal justice, including Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research; some full-text
- Staying Current with the U.S. Supreme Court and the N.Y. Court of Appeals
, subscribe to two online lists which offer e-mail bulletins containing summary and analysis of important decisions of the New York Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court
- CrimDoc (Criminology Library Grey Literature), University of Toronto
- WLR Daily, The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales
- Old Bailey Online, Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913
- Asian Law Online, Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne
- Environmental News Network
- NEPIS, about 10,000 full text, online EPA documents
- Envirofacts Multisystems, EPA
- Congressional Research Service Reports, National Library for the Environment
- Climate Data Online, Environment Canada
- Online Climate Data and Weather Observations, NOAA
- Eldis, Electronic Development and Environment Information System
- Publications, International Institute for Environment and Development
- Trade & Environment Database
- OECD Environment: Publications and Documents, collection of environment and environment related data and documents
- OECD / EEA database on instruments used in environmental policy, OECD
- NPRI Online Data Search, National Pollutant Release Inventory, Environment Canada
- Grey Literature Database, BC Environmental and Occupational Health Research Network
- ASTIS, bibliographic database, Arctic Institute of North America
- Nunavut Environmental Database, bibliographic database, a subset of the Arctic Institute of North America's ASTIS database
- New Jersey Environmental Digital Library, Rutgers
Health Sciences
- See also: Health Sciences
- Clinical Trials, clinical research studies, NIH
- CRISP, Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects, federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions, NIH and US DHHS
- Fade Library, Library Service of Liverpool Primary Care Trust
- Entrez, cross-database search page, NCBI
- Genome Database, NCBI
- Mouse Genome Informatics, Jackson Laboratory
- FlyBase, Database of the Drosophila Genome
- CGSC: E.coli Genetic Stock Center
- National Library of Guidelines, National Library for Health
- SRS, LION Bioscience
- HazDat Database, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- Cancer Literature in PubMed, coverage includes biomedical journals, proceedings, books, reports, and doctoral theses; 1960s forward
- National Child Care Information Center Online Library, Administration for Children & Families, US Department of Health and Human Services
- Nursing Home Compare, Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes
- SAMHSA's Health Information Network (SHIN), Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
- Smoking and Health Database, ca.1970 forward; includes citation information for journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings and conference papers, government documents, policy or legal documents, editorials, letters, and comments on articles
- Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange, citations of international rehabilitation research; 1990 forward
- ToxNet, integrated search of nine related databases, covering toxicity and environmental health areas; includes: terminology, bibliographic citations, etc.
- Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database (ETOH), bibliographic citations for alcohol research relating to medicine, sociology, anthropology, criminology, and other disciplines
- Alcohol Studies Database, Rutgers
- Popline
- Population Index
- Bibliographic Databases, Virtual Health Library
- Bioethics, Virtual Health Library
- Trip Database, Evidence Based Medicine
- Unpublished Literature Bank, Canadian Evaluation Society
Humanities and the Arts
Library and Information Science
Military / Conflict Studies
Political Science, International Affairs ...
- PARLIT database, IPU
- Facts on International Relations and Security Trends, Sipri
- UN Bibliographic Information System
- ODS Search, Official Documents, United Nations
- Treaty Body Database (UNHCHR), full-text documents relating to monitoring activities relating to the implementation of international human rights treaties; by country, treaty, reporting status, etc.
- Development Experience Clearinghouse, USAID
- Boundary news archive, International Boundaries Research Unit
- Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Science, Engineering, and Technology
Collective Resources
Physical Sciences
- GeoRef Preview Database, references to recent geoscience publications, removed when added to GeoRef proper, American Geological Institute
- Go-Geo!
- Lyell Collection, bibliographic access to selected geological literature from 1845 to present, Geological Society of London
- Electronic Grey Literature in Accelerator Science and Its Allied Subjects : Selected Web Resources for Scientists and Engineers, P. Rajendiran, HEP Libraries Webzine, Issue 12, March 2006
- CERN Document Server
- SLAC Documents, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- Ocean Color Bibliography, NASA
- Waves, catalogue of the libraries of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Ocean Color Publications Database, SeaWiFS Project
- Selected Marine Geology Digital Data Files, NOAA
- SeaWiFS Project Postlaunch Technical Report Series
- SeaWiFS Project Prelaunch Technical Report Series
Space Sciences
Social Sciences
- Information for Practice: News and new scholarship from around the world, Social Work, NYU
- Latin America Open Archives Portal, LANIC
- Social Care Online, Social Care Institute for Excellence.
- BRIDGE: Mainstreaming Gender Equality, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
- Siyanda: Mainstreaming Gender Equality, BRIDGE
- Women Working, 1800 - 1930, Open Collections Program, Harvard
- Publications Search, Child Welfare Information Gateway
- National Child Care Information Center Online Library, Administration for Children & Families, US Department of Health and Human Services
- HUD User: Bibliographic Database
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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 1999/01/01 Last updated: 2008/07/06
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