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Access to Archival DatabasesNational Archives and Records Administration;
public access, varies;
bibliographic records, searchable, grouped by series (subject, geographic, time span, etc.);
once retrieved, records may be internally searchable
Advanced Fuels Properties Database Office of Transportation Technologies, Department of Energy;
public access, current;
Advanced Petroleum Based Fuels
data on the physical, chemical, operational, and environmental, safety, and health properties
Agricola National Agricultural Library, USDA;
public access, 16th century forward;
bibliographic records;
describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agricultural products, alternative farming practices, and food and nutrition
Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database (ETOH) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH;
public access, [1965] forward;
bibliographic records;
alcohol research relating to medicine, sociology, anthropology, criminology, and other disciplines
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center Alternative Fuels Data Center, Department of Energy;
public access, current;
search information on-line at the AFDC; includes the web pages and documents (citations with abstracts and many full-text articles)
American FactFinder Census Bureau;
public access, 1990 forward;
summary data products (such as: 1990 Decennial Census Detailed Files, American Community Survey Summary Tables, Census 2000 Dress Rehearsal Summary Files, 1997 Economic Census Summary Files) derived from data sets with pre-aggregated, or summarized, data records;
search, browse, retrieve, view, print, save, and download data;
request tabulations online or obtain an extract of the data set (tables)
American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library Library of Congress;
public access, c1400 forward;
cross discipline, including topics ranging from games to technology, agriculture to education;
formats include: text, maps, sound, motion pictures, photographs
Antarctic Names: Geographic Names Information System USGS;
public access, current;
geographic names in Antarctica which are approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for use by the Federal Government
Atomic Spectra Database NIST;
public access, current;
spectroscopic data;
NIST Standard Reference Database #78
Budget of the US Government Office of Management and Budget;
public access, FY1996 forward;
economic overview, baseline projections, statistical data, specific related documents



CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration;
public access, current;
under Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act and sections of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act;
information on blood, therapeutics, vaccines, products, manufacturers, etc.
Census 2007 Data TablesCensus Bureau;
public access, 2007;
data from the 2007 Census
Charities and Non-ProfitsIRS;
public access, current;
electronic version of the Publication 78 Cumulative List of Organizations
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems National Library of Medicine;
public access, current;
studies relating to environmentally associated disease and dysfunction
Clinical Trials National Library of Medicine;
public access, current;
clinical research studies
Code of Federal Regulations National Archives and Records Administration;
public access, current;
codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government
College NavigatorDepartment of Education;
public access, current;
directory of US colleges and universities
Commerce Business Daily CBDNet;
public access, December 1996-2002;
official, free electronic version of Commerce Business Daily;
proposed government procurement actions, contract awards, sales of government property, and other procurement information;
replaced by Federal Business Opportunities
Congressional Bills US Congress;
public access, 1993 forward;
published versions of bills of the House and Senate
Congressional Documents US Congress;
public access, 104th Congress forward;
Congressional documents printed by the USGPO;
updated irregularly, as electronic versions of the documents become available;
also known as Senate, House and Treaty Documents
Congressional Record US Congress;
public access, 1994 forward;
official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress;
published daily when Congress is in session
Congressional Record Index US Congress;
public access, 1983 forward;
official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress;
published daily when Congress is in session
Congressional Reports US Congress;
public access, 104th Congress forward;
House, Senate and Executive reports;
updated irregularly as electronic versions become available
County Business PatternsCensus Bureau;
public access;
data on business establishments by state and county;
includes employment size, payroll
CRIS: Current Research Information System National Agricultural Library, USDA;
public access, current;
descriptions of current, publicly-supported research projects of the USDA agencies, the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, the State land-grant colleges and universities, State schools of forestry, cooperating schools of veterinary medicine, and USDA grant recipients



Dietary Supplements Labels DatabaseNational Library of Medicine;
public access, current;
ingredients for more than 3000 brands of dietary supplements
Drug Information PortalNational Library of Medicine;
public access, current;
information on over 12,000 selected drugs
DuckdataBiological Resources Division, Department of the Interior;
public access, varies to [1999];
bibliographic citations for North American waterfowl related literature
EDGAR Database US Securities and Exchange Commission;
public access, 1996 forward;
submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Energy Citations Database Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Enegy;
public access, 1943 forward;
bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy predecessor agencies
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Database Environmental Protection Agency;
public access, current;
information on "greener" products and services
E-print Network Search Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Enegy;
public access, current;
browses / searches databases and websites containing records for about one million e-prints
ERIC Department of Education;
public access, [1966] forward;
bibliographic database of education literature
ERIC Digests Department of Education;
public access, 1980 forward;
full-text, short reports on topics of prime current interest in education
Federal Advisory Committee Act GSA;
public access, current;
manages approximately 1,000 advisory committees government-wide
Federal Business Opportunities GSA;
public access, 2002 forward;
government procurement actions over $25,000, contract awards, sales of government property, and other procurement information;
replaced Commerce Business Daily
Federal Register National Archives and Records Administration;
public access, [1994] forward;
official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents
FLITE [Federal Legal Information Through Electronics] Department of Commerce;
public access, 1937-1975;
Supreme Court decisions



GAO Reports US General Accounting Office (GAO);
public access, [FY1994] forward;
publicly released reports, sometimes referred to as "blue books";
most reports are done at the request of members of Congress
Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center;
public access, [1960] forward;
photographs of Earth taken by astronauts including images taken from the International Space Station
GenBank National Center for Biotechnology Information;
public access, current;
annotated collection of publicly available DNA sequences
Genetic Alterations in Cancer National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences;
public access, current;
"genetic alterations in tumors associated with exposure to specific chemical, physical, or biological agents"
Geographic Names Information System USGS;
public access, current;
information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States
GEOnet Names ServerNational Imagery and Mapping Agency;
public access, current;
database of foreign geographic feature names;
approximately 20,000 of the database's 3.5 million features are updated monthly
HazDat Database [Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry;
public access, current;
information on release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or from emergency events; effects of hazardous substances on the health of human populations;
site and substance characteristics, activities and site events, contaminants found, contaminant media and maximum concentration levels, impact on population, community health concerns, etc.
Health Services/Technology Assessment TextNational Library of Medicine;
public access, various dates;
databases include: Surgeon Generals' Reports, Evidence Reports, ATIS publications, etc.
HEP SearchFermilab;
public access, [1960s] forward;
high-energy physics literature database;
part of the SPIRES bibliographic services
History of Bills and Resolutions US Congress;
public access, 1983 forward;
part of the Congressional Record;
published daily when Congress is in session
HLAS: Handbook of Latin American Studies Online Library of Congress;
public access, 1939 forward;
bibliography on Latin America, citations and annotations;
searchable in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Household Products Database National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine;
public access, current;
safety and handling, health effects, and other information about common household products;
searchable by brand / produce name, manufacturer;
linked to bibliographic resources
Images from the History of Medicine National Library of Medicine;
public access;
prints and photographs collection of the National Library of Medicine
Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological SamplesUS National Geophysical Data Center;
public access; [1977] forward
inventory information for 100,000 plus seafloor and lakebed cores, grabs, dredges, and drill samples worldwide
Information Bridge Department of Energy;
public access, 1948 forward;
full-text and bibliographic records, research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics
Integrated Taxonomic Information SystemSmithsonian Institution et al.;
public access, current;
taxonomic information on animals, fungi, plants and microbes;
includes common and scientific names
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements National Institutes of Health;
public access, 1986 forward;
bibliographic information on published, international, scientific literature relating to dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals;
updated quarterly
International Data Base Census Bureau;
public access, current;
statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 200 plus countries and areas of the world



MEDLINE / PubMed National Library of Medicine;
public access, 1966 forward;
bibliographic citations covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and the preclinical sciences
Metro Business PatternsCensus Bureau;
public access;
data on business establishments by Metropolitan Statistical Areas and New England County Metropolitan Areas;
includes employment size, payroll
NASA Technical Reports Server NASA;
public access, dates vary;
experimental service that allows users to search the many different abstract and technical report servers maintained by various NASA centers and programs
National Archeological Database National Parks Service;
public access, [1900] forward;
archeological reports, permits, and maps relationg to archeological investigation and planning
National Geologic Map Database USGS;
public access, current;
information about maps and related data for: geology, hazards, earth resources, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and marine geology
National Plant Germplasm System GRIN, USDA;
public access, historical, current;
bibliographic and other information about plant varieties, taxonomy, research crops, etc.
National Register Information System National Parks Service;
public access, current;
places listed in or determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications Database National Renewable Energy Laboratory ;
public access, 1977 forward;
citations to technical reports, conference papers and other material relating to sustainable energy
National Sea Grant Library DatabaseNOAA with the University of Rhode Island;
public access, [1970] forward;
bibliographic citations, abstracts and some full-text;
subject coverage includes: oceanography, aquaculture, fisheries, limnology, coastal zone management, marine recreation and law
National Vulnerability DatabaseCERT / NIST;
public access, current;
"standards based vulnerability management data"
NCJRS Abstracts Database National Criminal Justice Reference Service;
public access, c1970 forward;
summaries of more than 150,000 publications on criminal justice, including Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research;
some full-text
NEPIS: National Environmental Publications Internet Site Environmental Protection Agency;
public access;
9000 plus full-text EPA technical and public information documents
North American Non-Indigenous Arthropod Database USDA;
public access;
data on 2,200 plus species of non-indigenous insects and arachnids
NTSB Aviation Accident/Incident Database National Transportation Safety Board;
public access, 1983 forward;
official repository of aviation accident data and causal factors



OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database OSHA / EPA;
public access, current;
reference information and data compiled from several government sources on a variety of chemicals
Pacific Walrus International Database USGS;
public access, current;
comprehensive set of Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) biological data collected in the Bering and Chukchi Seas
Patent Databases US Patent and Trademark Office;
public access, 1976 forward;
bibliographic and full-text patent databases
PILOTS Databases Veterans Affairs;
public access, [1990s] forward;
bibliographic index of literature relating to post-traumatic stress disorders
PLANTS National Database USDA;
public access, current;
focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens, US and territories;
includes names, checklists, automated tools, identification information, species abstracts, distributional data, crop information, plant symbols, growth data, etc.
POPLINE National Library of Medicine;
public access, [1886] forward;
citations to literature relating to population, family planning, and related health issues, including family planning technology and programs, fertility, and population law and policy
Poisonous Plant Database FDA;
public access, current;
citations to literature relating to toxic properties and effects of plants and plant parts;
links to GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) where available
POW / MIA DatabaseLibrary of Congress;
public access, [1991];
documents address treatment, location and condition information;
include intelligence reports; service records; loss incident reports; loss investigations; refugee reports; past and current recovery efforts; case analysis; loss site excavation reports and archival documents found in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos;
many documents are case specific, however, a large collection of documents pertain to POW/MIA policy, POW/MIA release negotiations, diplomatic activities, Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs depositions, and others that only address the Vietnam-era POW/MIA issue in general
Public and Private Laws National Archives and Records Administration;
public access, 1995-96 forward;
enacted by Congress
Public Library Locator Department of Education;
public access, FY2000;
search for a public library or public library outlet by state, library services, size, operating expenditures, etc.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States National Archives and Records Administration;
public access, 1996 forward;
papers and speeches issued by the Office of the Press Secretary during the President's tenure
Public Technical Reports Defense Technical Information Center;
public access, [1994] forward;
Scientific and Technical Documents;
bibliographic access to DTIC's technical reports collection;
some full-text
PubMed Central National Library of Medicine;
public access, [1997] forward;
digital archive of life sciences journal literature



Science AcceleratorOffice of Scientific and Technical Information;
public access, varies;
portal site;
bibliographic information for federally funded R&D, projects, etc.
Science Tracer Bullets Online Library of Congress;
public access, 1989 forward;
an informal series (International Standard Serial Number ISSN 0090-5232) of literature guides designed to help someone begin to locate published materials on a subject about which he or she has only a general knowledge
Senate, House, and Treaty Documents US Congress;
public access, 104th Congress forward;
Congressional documents printed by the USGPO;
updated irregularly, as electronic versions of the documents become available;
also known as Congressional Documents
Significant Earthquake Database National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA;
public access, 2150 BC forward;
information on "destructive" earthquakes meeting particular criteria of damage, death, magnitude, etc.
Standard Industrial Classification Search Occupational Safety and Health Administration;
public access, 1987 SIC manual;
search by keyword, to access descriptive information for a specified 4-digit SIC, and to examine the manual structure
Substance Abuse Information Database Department of Labor;
public access, [1980s forward];
educational materials, research reports, and similar resources relating to the development of a "drug-free" workplace



Taxonomy: NCBI Entrez Taxonomy Homepage National Center for Biotechnology Information;
public access, current;
organisms represented "in the genetic databases with at least one nucleotide or protein sequence"
TESS US Patent and Trademark Office;
public access, updated every one to two months;
full bibliographic text of pending and registered trademarks
TRIS Online Transportation Research Board, Department of Transportation;
public access, current;
bibliographic database, records of published and ongoing research on all modes and disciplines in the field of transportation;
web-based version of TRIS
US Coal Resource Databases: USCOAL USGS;
public access, [1928] forward;
location, quantity, and physical and chemical characteristics of U.S. coal and coal-related deposits
US Code Office of the Law Revision Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives;
public access, 1994 forward;
general and permanent laws of the United States
US GazetteerCensus Bureau;
public access;
places, counties, zip codes
USA CountiesCensus Bureau;
public access;
data items including population and housing by state and county



Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents National Archives and Records Administration;
public access, 1993 forward;
published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration;
statements, messages, and other Presidential materials released by the White House during the preceding week
World Ocean Database 2005 NOAA;
public access, 2005;
historical and modern observations
Wreck and Obstruction Information System Office of Coast Survey, NOAA;
public access;
approximately 10,000 submerged wrecks and obstructions in the coastal waters of the United States;
search by name, latitude, longitude



Zip Code Business PatternsCensus Bureau;
public access;
data on business establishments by zip code;
includes employment size, payroll

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By Topic ...

Agriculture Agricola (public access)
CRIS: Current Research Information System (public access)
Applied Science and Technology Advanced Fuels Properties Database (public access)
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center Document Database (public access)
Atomic Spectra Database (public access)
Energy Citations Database (public access)
E-print Network Search (public access)
GrayLit Network (public access)
HEP Search (public access)
Information Bridge (public access)
NASA Technical Reports Server (public access)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications Database (public access)
National Vulnerability Database (public access)
Patent Databases (public access)
Science Accelerator (public access)
Science Tracer Bullets Online (public access)
Public Technical Reports (public access)
Trademark Database (public access)
Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences See also: Oceanography
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (public access)
Duckdata (public access)
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Database (public access)
GenBank (public access)
Genetic Alterations in Cancer (public access)
HazDat Database {Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database] (public access)
Household Products Database (public access)
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (public access)
National Plant Germplasm System (public access)
North American Non-Indigenous Arthropod Database (public access)
NEPIS: National Environmental Publications Internet Site (public access)
OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database (public access)
Pacific Walrus International Database (public access)
PLANTS National Database (public access
Poisonous Plant Database (public access)
Science Tracer Bullets Online (public access)
Taxonomy: NCBI Entrez Taxonomy Homepage (public access)
Wreck and Obstruction Information System (public access)
World Ocean Database 2005 (public access)
Business, Economics and Trade American FactFinder (public access)
Budget of the US Government (public access)
Commerce Business Daily (public access)
County Business Patterns (public access)
EDGAR Database (public access)
Charities and Non-Profits (public access)
Federal Business Opportunities, (public access)
Metro Business Patterns (public access)
Patent Database (public access)
Standard Industrial Classification Search (public access)
Substance Abuse Information Database (public access)
TESS (public access)
USA Counties (public access)
Zip Code Business Patterns (public access)
Criminology and Forensics National Vulnerability Database (public access)
NCJRS Abstracts Database (public access)
Poisonous Plant Database (public access)
Demographics and Population Census 2007 Data Tables (public access)
International Data Base (public access)
USA Counties (public access)
Education ERIC (public access)
ERIC Digests (public access)
College Navigator (public access)
Public Library Locator (public access)
Substance Abuse Information Database (public access)
Geology / Geography Antarctic Names: Geographic Names Information System (public access)
Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth (public access)
Geographic Names Information System (public access)
GEOnet Names Server (public access)
Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples (public access)
National Geologic Map Database (public access)
Science Tracer Bullets Online (public access)
Significant Earthquake Database (public access)
US Coal Resource Databases: USCOAL (public access)
US Gazetteer (public access)
Health and Medicine Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database (ETOH) (public access)
CBER (public access)
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (public access)
Clinical Trials (public access)
Dietary Supplements Labels Database (public access)
Drug Information Portal (public access)
GenBank (public access)
Genetic Alterations in Cancer (public access)
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (public access)
Images from the History of Medicine (public access)
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (public access)
MEDLINE / PubMed (public access)
OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database (public access)
PILOTS Databases (public access)
Poisonous Plant Database (public access)
POPLINE (public access)
PubMed Central (public access)
Substance Abuse Information Database (public access)
Taxonomy: NCBI Entrez Taxonomy Homepage (public access)
History Access to Archival Databases (public access)
American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library (public access)
History of Bills and Resolutions (public access)
HLAS: Handbook of Latin American Studies Online (public access)
Images from the History of Medicine (public access)
National Archeological Database (public access)
National Register Information System (public access)
POW / MIA Database (public access)
Significant Earthquake Database (public access)
Wreck and Obstruction Information System (public access)
Laws and Regulations Code of Federal Regulations (public access)
Congressional Bills (public access)
Congressional Documents (public access)
Congressional Record (public access)
Congressional Record Index (public access)
Congressional Reports (public access)
Federal Register (public access)
FLITE [Federal Legal Information Through Electronics] (public access)
History of Bills and Resolutions (public access)
Public and Private Laws (public access)
US Code (public access)
Military Studies POW / MIA Database (public access)
Oceanography See also: Biology
Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples (public access)
National Sea Grant Library Database (public access)
Pacific Walrus International Database (public access)
Wreck and Obstruction Information System (public access)
World Ocean Database 2005 (public access)
Politics and Government Access to Archival Databases (public access)
Congressional Documents (public access)
Congressional Record (public access)
Congressional Reports (public access)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (public access)
GAO Reports (public access)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (public access)
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (public access)
Statistical Data (Cross-Discipline) American FactFinder (public access)
Census 2007 Data Tables (public access)
International Data Base (public access)
Transportation NTSB Aviation Accident/Incident Database (public access)
TRIS Online (public access)

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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
Comments and suggestions to:
Created: 1999/09/05 Last updated: 2009/03/24
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