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Introduction to Statistics Canada Publications

Items marked with a are available by depository agreement to on-campus users. All unmarked items are freely available to any internet user, regardless of affiliation or location.

For information on the Statistics Canada numbering scheme, please see: An Introduction to Statistics Canada Publications.


11-001-XIEThe Daily
11-002-XIEInfomat: a weekly review
11-008-XIECanadian social trends
11-010-XIBCanadian economic observer
11-516-XIEHistorical Statistics of Canada, Second Edition
11-533-XIEFinding and using statistics
11-534-RIEElectronic Publications Pilot 1996 - 1997: final report
11F0019MIEAnalytical Studies Branch research paper series
11F0027MIEEconomic analysis (EA) research paper series
12-539-XIEQuality guidelines: third edition
12-571-XIBStandard Geographical Classification. Volume I. The classification
12-581-XIECanada at a glance
12-585-XIELongitudinal administrative data dictionary, 1999
12-586-XIEStatistics Canada's Quality Assurance Framework, 2002
12F0080XIEOverview of the time use of Canadians in 1998
12F0089XIEStudy on communications in both official languages between Québec regional offices, headquarters and central agencies, July 2001
13-001-XIBNational income and expenditure accounts, quarterly estimates
13-009-XIBNational tourism indicators: quarterly estimates
13-010-XIECanadian economic accounts quarterly review
13-208-XIBFamily incomes, census families
13-213-PIBProvincial economic accounts: preliminary estimates, 2001, tables and analytical document
13-214-XIENational balance sheet accounts quarterly estimates
13-215-XIBCharacteristics of dual-earner families
13-217-XIBEarnings of men and women
13-220-XIBNational tourism indicators
13-551-XIBStatistics Canada low income cut-offs (LICOs)
13-569-XIBLow income persons, 1980 to 1997 (Low income cut-offs, 1992 base)
13-582-XIBLow Income Measure (LIMs), 1996, 1997
13-594-GIEGuide to the national tourism indicators: sources and methods
13-595-XIEThe assets and debts of Canadians: an overview of the results of the Survey of Financial Security
13-596-XIEThe assets and debts of Canadians: focus on private pension savings
13-604-MIBSystem of National Accounts: Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures, United States and Canada, 1992-2001
13F0019XIBLow income measures (LIM), low income after tax cut-offs (LICO- IAT) and low income after tax measures LIM-IAT)
13F0026MIEAsset and debt research paper series
13F0029XIECanadian System of National Accounts (SNA): Catalogue of products
13F0031MIEThe 1997 historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts
13F0063XIEThe provincial and territorial tourism satellite accounts for Canada, 1996
15-001-XIEGross domestic product by industry
15-201-XIEInput-Output structure of the Canadian economy
15-203-XIBProvincial gross domestic product by industry, 1984-1998
15-204-XIEProductivity growth in Canada
15-546-XIEInterprovincial trade in Canada 1984-1996
15-601-XIEService industries in the Canadian input-output accounts
15F0077GIEA Guide to Deflating the Input-Output Accounts Sources and methods
16-201-XIEHuman activity and the environment annual statistics 2002
16F0002XIEWaste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector, 1994
16F0003XIEWaste Management Industry Survey: Business Sector, 1995
16F0006PIEEnvironmental protection expenditures in the business sector, preliminary data
16F0006XIEEnvironmental protection expenditures in the business sector
16F0007XIEEnvironment industry, 1995, preliminary data
16F0008XIEEnvironment industry: business sector, 1995
16F0009XIEInternational trade in environmental goods and services: A Canada - U.S. comparison
16F0021XIB The St. Lawrence river valley 1998 ice storm: maps and facts
16F0023XIEWaste Management Industry Survey Business and Government Sectors 1996
16F0025XIBA Geographical Profile of Manure Production in Canada
17-507-XIENeighbourhood Insights

Top of Page

Primary Industries

21-001-XIBFarm cash receipts
21-004-XIEVISTA on the agri-food industry and the farm community: The Age Old Phenomenon of the Aging Farmer
21-005-XIEEconomic overview of farm incomes
21-006-XIERural and small town Canada analysis bulletin
21-007-XIBFarm Product Price Index
21-205-XPBAgricultural financial statistics,commencing with the 1998 issue replaced by 21-005-XIE
21-522-XIEFarming facts: Statistical Insights on Canadian Agriculture
21-525-XIEUnderstanding Measurements of Farm Income
21-601-MIEAgriculture and rural working paper series
21F0003GIEPeople, Products and Services: Agriculture Division
21F0005GIEWhole Farm Database Reference Manual
21F0008XIBFarm Financial Survey
21F0016XIEUnderstanding rural Canada: structures and trends
21F0018XIERural and Small Town Canada: An Overview
22-002-XIBField crop reporting series
22-003-XIBFruit and vegetable production
22-007-XIBCereals and oilseeds review
22-008-UIBCanadian potato production - Updates
22-201-XIBGrain trade of Canada
22-202-XIBGreenhouse, sod and nursery industries
23-001-XIBThe dairy review
23-003-XIBProduction of Eggs
23-009-XIEStocks of frozen meat - Internet tables
23-202-XIBProduction of poultry and eggs
23-221-XIBProduction and value of honey and maple products
23-501-XIELivestock Feed Requirements Study
23-502-XIEAlternative livestock on Canadian farms
23-603-XIELivestock statistics
25-001-XIBPulpwood and wood residue statistics
25-002-XIBShipments of solid fuel burning heating products
25-201-XIBLogging industry
25F0002MIESeries on the logging industry
26-201-XIBGeneral review of the mineral industries, mines, quarries and oil wells
26-202-XIBCanada's mineral production, preliminary estimate
26-206-XIBCoal mining
26-213-XIBOil and gas extraction
26-223-XIBMetal mines
26-224-XIBNon-metal mines
26-225-XIBQuarries and sand pits
26-226-XIBNon-metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying

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31-001-XIBMonthly survey of manufacturing
31-212-XIBConsumption of containers and other packaging supplies by the manufacturing industries
31-532-GIEUseful information for manufacturers and exporters
31F0026MIEDestinations of shipments research papers
31F0027MIEManufacturing overview research papers
31F0028XIECanadian Manufacturing Activity: A Geographic Perspective
31F0029XIEThe Structure of Manufacturing in Canada
32-006-XIBOils and fats
32-013-XIBThe sugar situation
32-022-XIBProduction and disposition of tobacco products
32-229-XIBFood consumption in Canada: Part I
32-230-XIBFood consumption in Canada: Part II
32-250-XIEFood industries
32-251-XIEBeverage and tobacco products industries
33-002-XIBFootwear statistics
33-250-XIERubber and plastic products industries
33-251-XIELeather and allied products industries
34-250-XIEPrimary textile industries
34-251-XIETextile products industries
34-252-XIEClothing industries
35-001-XIBConstruction type plywood
35-003-XIBSawmills and planing mills
35-006-XIBShipments of office furniture products
35-250-XIEWood industries
35-251-XIEFurniture and fixture industries
36-003-XIBParticleboard, oriented strandboard and fibreboard
36-250-XIEPaper and allied products industries
36-251-XIEPrinting, publishing and allied industries
41-001-XIBPrimary iron and steel
41-006-XIBSteel wire and specified wire products
41-011-XIBProduction and shipments of steel pipe and tubing
41-250-XIEPrimary metal industries
41-251-XIEFabricated metal products industries
42-250-XIEMachinery industries, except electrical machinery
42-251-XIETransportation equipment industries
43-009-XIBElectric lamps, light bulbs and tubes
43-250-XIEElectrical and electronic products industries
44-004-XIBMineral wool including fibrous glass insulation
44-250-XIENon-metallic mineral products industries
45-001-XIBAsphalt roofing
45-002-XIBCoal and coke statistics
45-004-XIBRefined petroleum products
45-250-XIERefined petroleum and coal products industries
46-002-XIBIndustrial chemicals and synthetic resins
46-250-XIEChemical and chemical products industries

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Transportation, Communications, Utilities

50-002-XIBSurface and marine transport
50-500-XIENorth American Transportation Highlights
50-501-XIENorth American Transportation in Figures
50F0001GIEGuide to transportation data
50F0003XIE"Quit yanking my supply chain": The challenges facing travel agencies in Canada
51-004-XIBAviation: service bulletin
51-203-XIBAir carrier traffic at Canadian airports
51-204-XIBAir passenger origin and destination: domestic report
51-205-XIBAir passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report
51-206-XIBCanadian civil aviation
51-207-XIBAir charter statistics
51F0001PIEAircraft movement statistics
51F0007XIETrade and transportation: the impact of the 1995 Transborder Air Services Accord
52-001-XIERailway carloadings
52-216-XIBRail in Canada
53-215-XIBPassenger bus and urban transit statistics
53-218-XIBRoad motor vehicles, fuel sales
53-219-XIBRoad motor vehicles, registrations
53-222-XIBTrucking in Canada
53-223-XIECanadian Vehicle Survey
53F0002XIEThe cost of independence: socio-economic profiles of independent truck drivers
53F0003XIEFactors affecting urban transit ridership
53F0004XIECanadian Vehicle Survey
54-205-XIBShipping in Canada
54F0001XIEThe future for Canada-U.S. container port rivalries
54F0002XIEEvolution of the deep-sea fleet that supports Canada's international trade
55-001-XIBPipeline transportation of crude oil and refined petroleum products
55-002-XIBNatural gas transportation and distribution
56-001-XIBCommunications: service bulletin
56-002-XIBQuarterly telecommunications statistics [Telephone statistics]
56-203-XIETelecommunications in Canada, 1998
56-204-XIBRadio and television broadcasting
56-205-XIBCable television
56-504-XIEBeyond the information highway: Networked Canada
56-505-XIEOverview: Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology
56-506-XIEInformation and Communications Technologies in Canada: A statistical profile of the ICT sector
56F0003XIEInternet Use In Canada
56F0004MIEConnectedness series
56F0006XIEChanging our ways: why and how Canadians use the Internet
56F0009XIEThe digital divide in Canada
57-001-XIBElectric power statistics
57-003-XIBReport on energy supply-demand in Canada
57-202-XIBElectric power generation, transmission and distribution
57-204-XIBElectric power capability and load
57-205-XIBNatural gas transportation and distribution
57-206-XIBElectric power generating stations
57-601-XIEEnergy statistics handbook

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Commerce, Construction, Finance, Prices, Trade

61-008-XIEQuarterly financial statistics for enterprises
61-205-XIBPrivate and public investment in Canada: intentions
61-206-XIBPrivate and public investment in Canada: revised intentions
61-219-XIEFinancial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2000
61-219-XIEFinancial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 1999
61-220-XIECorporations Returns Act
61-223-XIBCapital expenditures by type of asset
61-525-XIEFailing concerns: business bankruptcy in Canada
61-525-XIEFailing Concerns: Business Bankruptcy in Canada
61-526-XIEFailure rates for new Canadian firms: new perspectives on entry and exit
61-532-XIECanadian economic structural change in the age of NAFTA: proceedings
61F0019XIEInsights on ...
61F0041MIEBusiness and Trade Statistics Field research papers
61F0057MIEBusiness and Trade Statistics: Special survey reports
61F0090XIESurvey of usage by businesses of the Social Insurance Number
62-001-XIBConsumer price index
62-010-XIBConsumer prices and price indexes
62-011-XIEIndustry price indexes
62-201-XIBHomeowner repair and renovation expenditure
62-202-XIBSpending patterns in Canada
62-557-XIBYour guide to the Consumer Price Index
62F0014MIEAnalytical series: Prices Division
62F0026MIEHousehold expenditures research papers series
62F0040XIBServices price indexes
63-005-XIBRetail trade
63-007-XIBNew motor vehicle sales
63-008-XIBWholesale trade
63-011-XIERestaurant, caterer and tavern statistics
63-016-XIBServices indicators
63-202-XIBThe control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada
63-210-XIBRetail chain and department stores
63-224-XIBMarket research handbook, 2002
63-224-XIBMarket research handbook, 2001
63-236-XIBWholesaling and retailing in Canada
63F0002XIBServices Division, 1995 forward
63F0022XIEChanges in the outputs of annual retail trade surveys
64-001-XIEBuilding permits
64-203-XIBBuilding permits: annual summary
64-507-XIEAverage fair market value/purchase price for new homes in Canada - New data from GST administrative records
64F0004XIEUseful information for construction
65-001-XIBCanadian international merchandise trade
65-506-XIEProfile of Canadian exporters
65F0019XIEA Database for Analysis of International Markets
65F0020XIEData integration - International trade data and manufacturing shipments data
66-001-PIEInternational travel, advance information
66-201-XIEInternational travel, travel between Canada and other countries (Touriscope)
67-001-XIBCanada's balance of international payments
67-002-XIBCanada's international transactions in securities
67-202-XIBCanada's international investment position
67-203-XIBCanada's international transactions in services
67-506-XIECanada's balance of international payments and international investment position, concepts, sources, methods and products
67F0001MIBBalance of Payments Division: Research papers
68-213-XIBPublic sector statistics: financial management system
68-513-XIBGovernment Finances and Generational Equity
68F0015XIENon-technical background paper on the Unified Enterprise Survey Program (UESP)
68F0023XIBFinancial Management System (FMS)

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Employment/Unemployment, Labour

71-001-PIBLabour force information
71-539-XIBPermanent layoffs, quits and hirings in the Canadian economy, 1978-1995
71-540-XIBHelp-Wanted Index, 1981-1998
71-542-XIECaring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 1997 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating
71-543-GIEGuide to the Labour Force Survey
71-544-XIELabour Force Survey Products and Services, 2002
71-584-MIEThe Evolving Workplace Series
71-585-XIEWorkplace and Employee Survey Compendium
71-586-XIEThe Labour Cost Index
71F0023XIEStatistics Canada's measurement and valuation of unpaid work
71F0031XIEImprovements in 2000 to the Labour Force Survey (LFS)
72-002-XIBEmployment, earnings and hours
72F0002XIBAnnual estimates of employment, earnings and hours
72F0020XIEUnemployment and labour force attachment: a study of Canadian experience 1997-1999
72F0023XIBAnnual estimates of employment, earnings and hours based on the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)
73F0008XIEReport on the Main Results of the Employment Insurance Coverage Survey, 1998: The Jobless and EI Benefits
74-001-XIBQuarterly estimates of trusteed pension funds
74-201-XIBTrusteed pension funds, financial statistics
74-401-XIBPension plans in Canada, January 1, 1998
74F0002XIBRetirement savings through RPPs and RRSPs
75-001-XIEPerspectives on labour and income
75-003-XIERetirement Issues
75-202-XIEIncome in Canada
75F0002MIEIncome research paper series
75F0010XIELabour market and income data guide
75F0011XIESurvey overview - Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics
75F0026XIBSurvey of Labour and Income Dynamics Electronic Data Dictionary
75F0033MIENonprofit Sector Knowledge Base Project
75F0048MIENonprofit Sector Knowledge Base Project research papers
75M0001GIESurvey of Labour and Income Dynamics microdata user's guide

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Education, Culture, Health, Welfare

81-003-XIEEducation quarterly review
81-229-XIBEducation in Canada
81-580-XIBGuide to Statistics Canada information and data sources on adult education and training
81-582-XIEEducation Indicators in Canada, Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program 1999
81-586-XIEA Report on Adult Education and Training in Canada: Learning a Living
81-587-XIESouth of the Border: Graduates from the Class of ’95 Who Moved to the United States
81-588-XIEYouth in Transition Survey
81-589-XIEPan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium report: children and youth at risk
81-590-XIEMeasuring up: The performance of Canada’s youth in reading, mathematics and science OECD PISA Study—First Results for Canadians aged 15
81-591-XIEAt a crossroads: First results for the 18 to 20-year-old cohort of the Youth in Transition Survey
81-592-XIETeacher Education in a Knowledge-based Economy: Centering a critical conversation
81-593-XIETeacher education/educator training: current trends and future directions
81F0004GIBGuide to data on elementary and secondary education in Canada
81F0006XIECentre for Education Statistics, strategic plan 1997
82-003-SIEHow healthy are Canadians? Annual report 2002
82-003-XIEHealth reports
82-005-XIE... au courant
82-221-XIEHealth Indicators
82-401-XIEComparable Health Indicators – Canada, Provinces and Territories, October 2002
82-567-XIBNational Population Health Survey overview 1994-95
82-570-XIEStatistical Report on the Health of Canadians
82-573-GIEGuide to Health Statistics
82-575-XIEAccess to health care services in Canada: 2001
82F0058XIEHealth statistics: catalogue of products and services
82F0068XIEInformation about the National Population Health Survey
82F0076XIEThe changing face of heart disease and stroke in Canada 2000
82F0077XIEReport on smoking prevalence in Canada, 1985-1999
82F0081XIECancer Record: Newsletter for Cancer Registries in Canada
84-210-XIBBirths and deaths
84-214-XIEVital Statistics Compendium, 1996
84-537-XIELife tables, Canada, provinces and territories
84F0013XIEValidation study for a record linkage of births and infant deaths in Canada
84F0209XIBMortality - Summary List of Causes, 1997: Shelf Tables
85-205-XIECanadian crime statistics
85-211-XIEAdult correctional services in Canada data tables
85-217-XIBLegal aid in Canada: description of operations
85-222-XIECorrections key indicator report for adults and young offenders
85-223-XIECrime and police resources in Canadian municipalities
85-224-XIEFamily violence in Canada: a statistical profile
85-225-XIEPolice resources in Canada, 1999
85-227-XIEGraphical overview of the criminal justice indicators
85-228-XIEChild and spousal support: introduction to the Maintenance Enforcement Survey
85-402-XIECriminal prosecutions resources, expenditures and personnel 1996-97
85-403-XIECourts resources, expenditures and personnel
85-404-MIETransition Home Survey 1999-2000
85-510-XIENational directory of courts in Canada
85-542-XIEAn overview of the differences between police-reported and victim-reported crime
85-544-XIEA profile of youth justice in Canada
85-545-XIEAlternative measures in Canada - 1998
85-546-XIEYouth custody and community services in Canada
85-547-XIECivil Justice Project: The Use of Time Limits and Notification in Civil Case Management
85-548-XIEOrganized crime activity in Canada: a pilot survey of 16 police services
85-549-XIECivil Courts Study report
85-550-XIEUse of custodial remand in Canada, 1988-89 to 1997-98
85-551-XIEHate crime in Canada: an overview of issues and data sources
85-553-XIEA profile of criminal victimization: results of the 1999 General Social Survey
85-554-XIEGeneral Social Survey: Cycle 13 Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of Policing
85-556-XIEOrganized crime in Canada: an investigation into the feasibility of collecting police-level data
85-563-XIEExploring the involvement of organized crime in motor vehicle theft
85-601-XIEA one-day snapshot of inmates in Canada's adult correctional facilities
85-602-XIEAn overview of the issues related to the use of personal identifiers
85F0015XIELegal aid in Canada: resource and caseload statistics
85F0018XIEA graphical overview of crime and the administration of criminal justice in Canada
85F0019XPE Police Personnel and Expenditures in Canada - 1997 and 1998
85F0027XIEBulletin, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics
85F0028XIE Legal aid in Canada: resource and caseload data tables
85F0030XIE Youth court data tables
85F0031XIEPolice-Reported Aboriginal Crime in Saskatchewan
85F0032XIEAdult criminal court data tables
85F0033MIECanadian Centre for Justice: Statistics Profile Series
85F0035XIEFeasibility study on crime comparisons between Canada and the United States
85F0036XIETechnical report on the analysis of small groups in the 1999 GSS
87-003-XIETravel-log (Touriscope)
87-004-XIEFocus on culture
87-211-XIBCanada's culture, heritage and identity: a statistical overview
87-212-XIECanadian travel survey: domestic travel, 1997
87-403-XIETourism statistical digest
87-504-XIBECanadian Travel Survey: review of the 1996 results
88-001-XIBScience statistics
88-003-XIEInnovation analysis bulletin
88-202-XIBIndustrial research and development: 2000 intentions
88-204-XIBFederal Scientific Activities
88-516-XIEInnovation in dynamic service industries
88-517-XIEThe defining characteristics of entrants in science-based industries
88-522-XIEScience and technology activities and impacts: a framework for a statistical information
88-523-XIEA five-year strategic plan for the development of an information system for science and technology
88F0006XIEScience, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, working papers
88F0017MIEScience, Innovation and Electronic Information Division research papers
89-552-MIEInternational Adult Literacy Survey
89-553-XIBLabour Markets, Social Institutions, and the Future of Canada's Children
89-566-XIEGrowing up with Mom and Dad? The intricate family life courses of Canadian children
89-572-XIEBenchmarking adult literacy in North America: an international comparative study
89-573-XIELiteracy in Canada: Disparity Between Francophones and Anglophones
89-574-XIEAdult education participation in North America
89-575-XIEGeneral Social Survey - Cycle 15: Family History
89-576-XIEGeneral Social Survey - Cycle 15: Changing Conjugal Life in Canada
89F0077XIENational Longitudinal Survey of Children: survey instruments
89F0078XIENational Longitudinal Survey of Children: overview of survey instruments
89F0093XIEReading the future: a portrait of literacy in Canada: Highlights of the Canadian report
89F0094XIEReading the future: a portrait of literacy in Canada: Backgrounder on the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS)
89F0096XIEHighlights from Employee Training: An International Perspective
89F0100XIEHighlights from The Value of Words: Literacy and Economic Security in Canada
89F0103XIEHighlights for Literacy utilization in Canadian workplaces
89F0104XIEHighlights for At risk: a socio-economic analysis of health and literacy among seniors
89F0115XIEGeneral Social Survey: An Overview
89F0116XIEHighlights for Inequalities in literacy skills among youth in Canada and the United States
89F0117XIEFrom home to school - how Canadian children cope
89F0120XIEHighlights for "Schooling, Literacy and Individual Earnings"
89F0123XIESocietal indicators
89F0125XIEHighlights for "Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada"
89F0133XIEWomen in Canada: Work Chapter Updates

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Census/Intercensal Studies

91-002-XIB Quarterly demographic statistics
91-213-XIB Annual demographic statistics
91-520-XIB Population projections for Canada, provinces and territories, 2000-2026
91-528-XIBPopulation and family estimation methods at Statistics Canada
91F0015MIEDemographic documents
92-125-GIE2001 Census consultation guide
92-125-SIB2001 Census consultation geography supplement
92-129-GIE2006 Census consultation guide
92-350-UIE1996 Census Catalogue - Final Edition: 1996 Census of Population
92-351-UIE1996 Census Dictionary - Final Edition: 1996 Census of Population
92-353-XIEAge, Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Status: 1996 Census of Population
92-370-XIECoverage (reference products: technical reports: 1996 Census of Population)
92-371-XIESampling and Weighting (reference products: technical reports: 1996 Census of Population)
92-374-XIE1997 Geography Catalogue
92-376-XIE2001 Census Preview of Products and Services
92-377-XIE2001 Census Catalogue (reference products: 2001 Census)
92-378-XIE2001 Census Dictionary (reference products: 2001 Census)
92-379-XIE2001 Census Handbook (reference products: 2001 Census)
92-400-XIE2001 Census Standard Products Stubsets (reference products: 2001 Census)
92-405-XIEGeography Catalogue, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0138MIEGeography working paper series
92F0144XIBNational reference maps, 2001 Census
92F0145GIECensus Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0145XIBCensus tract reference maps, by census metropolitan area or census agglomeration, 2001 Census
92F0146GIEDissemination Area Reference Maps, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0146XIBDissemination area reference maps, by census tract, for census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, 2001 Census
92F0147XIBDissemination area reference maps, by non-tracted census agglomeration, 2001 Census
92F0148XIBDissemination area reference maps, by census division, for areas outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, 2001 Census
92F0149GIECensus Division and Census Subdivision Reference Maps, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0149XIBCensus division and census subdivision reference maps, by province or territory, 2001 Census
92F0150GIEGeoSuite, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0152XIEFederal electoral districts (1996 representation order) reference map, 2001 Census
92F0157GIERoad Network Files, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0158GIESkeletal Road Network File, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0159GIEPopulation Ecumene Census Division Boundary File 2001 Census: Reference Guide
92F0159XIEPopulation Ecumene Census Division Boundary File
92F0171GIECartographic Boundary Files, 2001 Census: Reference Guide
93F0033XIE 1996 Agricultural Operations National and Provincial Highlights Tables: 1996 Census of Agriculture
93F0035XIE1996 Farm Operators National and Provincial Highlights Tables: 1996 Census of Agriculture
93F0053XIECommunity profiles, 2001 Census
95F0300XIEAge (122) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 Census - 100% Data
95F0301XIECensus of Agriculture, Initial release: farm data, (May 15 2002)
96F0030XIECensus 2001: Profile of the Canadian population by age and sex: Canada ages
97F0003XIE2001001Censuses 1996 and 2001: Age (123) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1996 and 2001 Censuses - 100% Data
97F0003XIE2001002Censuses of 1921 to 2001: Age Groups (12) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1921 to 2001 Censuses - 100% Data
97F0024XIECensus 2001: Age and sex: Highlight tables
98-187-XIECensuses of Canada 1665 to 1871

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This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 1999/07/01 Last updated: 2007/05/17
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This document: ...govdocs/statcan1.htm