11-001-XIE | The Daily |
11-002-XIE | Infomat: a weekly review  |
11-008-XIE | Canadian social trends  |
11-010-XIB | Canadian economic observer  |
11-516-XIE | Historical Statistics of Canada, Second Edition |
11-533-XIE | Finding and using statistics |
11-534-RIE | Electronic Publications Pilot 1996 - 1997: final report |
11F0019MIE | Analytical Studies Branch research paper series |
11F0027MIE | Economic analysis (EA) research paper series |
12-539-XIE | Quality guidelines: third edition |
12-571-XIB | Standard Geographical Classification. Volume I. The classification |
12-581-XIE | Canada at a glance |
12-585-XIE | Longitudinal administrative data dictionary, 1999 |
12-586-XIE | Statistics Canada's Quality Assurance Framework, 2002 |
12F0080XIE | Overview of the time use of Canadians in 1998 |
12F0089XIE | Study on communications in both official languages between Québec regional offices, headquarters and central agencies, July 2001 |
13-001-XIB | National income and expenditure accounts, quarterly estimates  |
13-009-XIB | National tourism indicators: quarterly estimates |
13-010-XIE | Canadian economic accounts quarterly review |
13-208-XIB | Family incomes, census families  |
13-213-PIB | Provincial economic accounts: preliminary estimates, 2001, tables and analytical document  |
13-214-XIE | National balance sheet accounts quarterly estimates  |
13-215-XIB | Characteristics of dual-earner families  |
13-217-XIB | Earnings of men and women  |
13-220-XIB | National tourism indicators |
13-551-XIB | Statistics Canada low income cut-offs (LICOs) |
13-569-XIB | Low income persons, 1980 to 1997 (Low income cut-offs, 1992 base)  |
13-582-XIB | Low Income Measure (LIMs), 1996, 1997  |
13-594-GIE | Guide to the national tourism indicators: sources and methods |
13-595-XIE | The assets and debts of Canadians: an overview of the results of the Survey of Financial Security |
13-596-XIE | The assets and debts of Canadians: focus on private pension savings |
13-604-MIB | System of National Accounts: Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures, United States and Canada, 1992-2001 |
13F0019XIB | Low income measures (LIM), low income after tax cut-offs (LICO- IAT) and low income after tax measures LIM-IAT) |
13F0026MIE | Asset and debt research paper series |
13F0029XIE | Canadian System of National Accounts (SNA): Catalogue of products |
13F0031MIE | The 1997 historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts |
13F0063XIE | The provincial and territorial tourism satellite accounts for Canada, 1996 |
15-001-XIE | Gross domestic product by industry  |
15-201-XIE | Input-Output structure of the Canadian economy  |
15-203-XIB | Provincial gross domestic product by industry, 1984-1998  |
15-204-XIE | Productivity growth in Canada  |
15-546-XIE | Interprovincial trade in Canada 1984-1996  |
15-601-XIE | Service industries in the Canadian input-output accounts |
15F0077GIE | A Guide to Deflating the Input-Output Accounts Sources and methods |
16-201-XIE | Human activity and the environment annual statistics 2002  |
16F0002XIE | Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector, 1994 |
16F0003XIE | Waste Management Industry Survey: Business Sector, 1995 |
16F0006PIE | Environmental protection expenditures in the business sector, preliminary data |
16F0006XIE | Environmental protection expenditures in the business sector |
16F0007XIE | Environment industry, 1995, preliminary data |
16F0008XIE | Environment industry: business sector, 1995 |
16F0009XIE | International trade in environmental goods and services: A Canada - U.S. comparison |
16F0021XIB | The St. Lawrence river valley 1998 ice storm: maps and facts |
16F0023XIE | Waste Management Industry Survey Business and Government Sectors 1996 |
16F0025XIB | A Geographical Profile of Manure Production in Canada |
17-507-XIE | Neighbourhood Insights |
50-002-XIB | Surface and marine transport  |
50-500-XIE | North American Transportation Highlights |
50-501-XIE | North American Transportation in Figures |
50F0001GIE | Guide to transportation data |
50F0003XIE | "Quit yanking my supply chain": The challenges facing travel agencies in Canada |
51-004-XIB | Aviation: service bulletin  |
51-203-XIB | Air carrier traffic at Canadian airports  |
51-204-XIB | Air passenger origin and destination: domestic report  |
51-205-XIB | Air passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report  |
51-206-XIB | Canadian civil aviation  |
51-207-XIB | Air charter statistics  |
51F0001PIE | Aircraft movement statistics |
51F0007XIE | Trade and transportation: the impact of the 1995 Transborder Air Services Accord |
52-001-XIE | Railway carloadings  |
52-216-XIB | Rail in Canada  |
53-215-XIB | Passenger bus and urban transit statistics  |
53-218-XIB | Road motor vehicles, fuel sales  |
53-219-XIB | Road motor vehicles, registrations  |
53-222-XIB | Trucking in Canada  |
53-223-XIE | Canadian Vehicle Survey |
53F0002XIE | The cost of independence: socio-economic profiles of independent truck drivers |
53F0003XIE | Factors affecting urban transit ridership |
53F0004XIE | Canadian Vehicle Survey |
54-205-XIB | Shipping in Canada  |
54F0001XIE | The future for Canada-U.S. container port rivalries |
54F0002XIE | Evolution of the deep-sea fleet that supports Canada's international trade |
55-001-XIB | Pipeline transportation of crude oil and refined petroleum products  |
55-002-XIB | Natural gas transportation and distribution  |
56-001-XIB | Communications: service bulletin  |
56-002-XIB | Quarterly telecommunications statistics [Telephone statistics]  |
56-203-XIE | Telecommunications in Canada, 1998  |
56-204-XIB | Radio and television broadcasting  |
56-205-XIB | Cable television  |
56-504-XIE | Beyond the information highway: Networked Canada  |
56-505-XIE | Overview: Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology |
56-506-XIE | Information and Communications Technologies in Canada: A statistical profile of the ICT sector |
56F0003XIE | Internet Use In Canada |
56F0004MIE | Connectedness series |
56F0006XIE | Changing our ways: why and how Canadians use the Internet |
56F0009XIE | The digital divide in Canada |
57-001-XIB | Electric power statistics  |
57-003-XIB | Report on energy supply-demand in Canada  |
57-202-XIB | Electric power generation, transmission and distribution  |
57-204-XIB | Electric power capability and load  |
57-205-XIB | Natural gas transportation and distribution  |
57-206-XIB | Electric power generating stations  |
57-601-XIE | Energy statistics handbook  |
61-008-XIE | Quarterly financial statistics for enterprises  |
61-205-XIB | Private and public investment in Canada: intentions  |
61-206-XIB | Private and public investment in Canada: revised intentions  |
61-219-XIE | Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2000  |
61-219-XIE | Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 1999  |
61-220-XIE | Corporations Returns Act  |
61-223-XIB | Capital expenditures by type of asset  |
61-525-XIE | Failing concerns: business bankruptcy in Canada  |
61-525-XIE | Failing Concerns: Business Bankruptcy in Canada |
61-526-XIE | Failure rates for new Canadian firms: new perspectives on entry and exit  |
61-532-XIE | Canadian economic structural change in the age of NAFTA: proceedings |
61F0019XIE | Insights on ... |
61F0041MIE | Business and Trade Statistics Field research papers |
61F0057MIE | Business and Trade Statistics: Special survey reports |
61F0090XIE | Survey of usage by businesses of the Social Insurance Number |
62-001-XIB | Consumer price index  |
62-010-XIB | Consumer prices and price indexes  |
62-011-XIE | Industry price indexes  |
62-201-XIB | Homeowner repair and renovation expenditure  |
62-202-XIB | Spending patterns in Canada  |
62-557-XIB | Your guide to the Consumer Price Index |
62F0014MIE | Analytical series: Prices Division |
62F0026MIE | Household expenditures research papers series |
62F0040XIB | Services price indexes |
63-005-XIB | Retail trade  |
63-007-XIB | New motor vehicle sales  |
63-008-XIB | Wholesale trade  |
63-011-XIE | Restaurant, caterer and tavern statistics  |
63-016-XIB | Services indicators  |
63-202-XIB | The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada  |
63-210-XIB | Retail chain and department stores  |
63-224-XIB | Market research handbook, 2002  |
63-224-XIB | Market research handbook, 2001  |
63-236-XIB | Wholesaling and retailing in Canada  |
63F0002XIB | Services Division, 1995 forward |
63F0022XIE | Changes in the outputs of annual retail trade surveys |
64-001-XIE | Building permits  |
64-203-XIB | Building permits: annual summary  |
64-507-XIE | Average fair market value/purchase price for new homes in Canada - New data from GST administrative records  |
64F0004XIE | Useful information for construction |
65-001-XIB | Canadian international merchandise trade  |
65-506-XIE | Profile of Canadian exporters  |
65F0019XIE | A Database for Analysis of International Markets |
65F0020XIE | Data integration - International trade data and manufacturing shipments data |
66-001-PIE | International travel, advance information  |
66-201-XIE | International travel, travel between Canada and other countries (Touriscope)  |
67-001-XIB | Canada's balance of international payments  |
67-002-XIB | Canada's international transactions in securities  |
67-202-XIB | Canada's international investment position  |
67-203-XIB | Canada's international transactions in services  |
67-506-XIE | Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position, concepts, sources, methods and products |
67F0001MIB | Balance of Payments Division: Research papers |
68-213-XIB | Public sector statistics: financial management system  |
68-513-XIB | Government Finances and Generational Equity |
68F0015XIE | Non-technical background paper on the Unified Enterprise Survey Program (UESP) |
68F0023XIB | Financial Management System (FMS) |
71-001-PIB | Labour force information  |
71-539-XIB | Permanent layoffs, quits and hirings in the Canadian economy, 1978-1995  |
71-540-XIB | Help-Wanted Index, 1981-1998 |
71-542-XIE | Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 1997 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating |
71-543-GIE | Guide to the Labour Force Survey |
71-544-XIE | Labour Force Survey Products and Services, 2002 |
71-584-MIE | The Evolving Workplace Series |
71-585-XIE | Workplace and Employee Survey Compendium |
71-586-XIE | The Labour Cost Index |
71F0023XIE | Statistics Canada's measurement and valuation of unpaid work |
71F0031XIE | Improvements in 2000 to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) |
72-002-XIB | Employment, earnings and hours  |
72F0002XIB | Annual estimates of employment, earnings and hours  |
72F0020XIE | Unemployment and labour force attachment: a study of Canadian experience 1997-1999 |
72F0023XIB | Annual estimates of employment, earnings and hours based on the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)  |
73F0008XIE | Report on the Main Results of the Employment Insurance Coverage Survey, 1998: The Jobless and EI Benefits |
74-001-XIB | Quarterly estimates of trusteed pension funds  |
74-201-XIB | Trusteed pension funds, financial statistics  |
74-401-XIB | Pension plans in Canada, January 1, 1998  |
74F0002XIB | Retirement savings through RPPs and RRSPs  |
75-001-XIE | Perspectives on labour and income  |
75-002-XIB | Dynamics |
75-003-XIE | Retirement Issues |
75-202-XIE | Income in Canada  |
75F0002MIE | Income research paper series |
75F0010XIE | Labour market and income data guide |
75F0011XIE | Survey overview - Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics |
75F0026XIB | Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics Electronic Data Dictionary |
75F0033MIE | Nonprofit Sector Knowledge Base Project |
75F0048MIE | Nonprofit Sector Knowledge Base Project research papers |
75M0001GIE | Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics microdata user's guide |
81-003-XIE | Education quarterly review  |
81-229-XIB | Education in Canada  |
81-580-XIB | Guide to Statistics Canada information and data sources on adult education and training |
81-582-XIE | Education Indicators in Canada, Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program 1999 |
81-586-XIE | A Report on Adult Education and Training in Canada: Learning a Living |
81-587-XIE | South of the Border: Graduates from the Class of ’95 Who Moved to the United States |
81-588-XIE | Youth in Transition Survey |
81-589-XIE | Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium report: children and youth at risk |
81-590-XIE | Measuring up: The performance of Canada’s youth in reading, mathematics and science OECD PISA Study—First Results for Canadians aged 15 |
81-591-XIE | At a crossroads: First results for the 18 to 20-year-old cohort of the Youth in Transition Survey |
81-592-XIE | Teacher Education in a Knowledge-based Economy: Centering a critical conversation |
81-593-XIE | Teacher education/educator training: current trends and future directions |
81F0004GIB | Guide to data on elementary and secondary education in Canada |
81F0006XIE | Centre for Education Statistics, strategic plan 1997 |
82-003-SIE | How healthy are Canadians? Annual report 2002 |
82-003-XIE | Health reports  |
82-005-XIE | ... au courant |
82-221-XIE | Health Indicators |
82-401-XIE | Comparable Health Indicators – Canada, Provinces and Territories, October 2002 |
82-567-XIB | National Population Health Survey overview
1994-95  |
82-570-XIE | Statistical Report on the Health of Canadians |
82-573-GIE | Guide to Health Statistics |
82-575-XIE | Access to health care services in Canada: 2001 |
82F0058XIE | Health statistics: catalogue of products and services |
82F0068XIE | Information about the National Population Health Survey |
82F0076XIE | The changing face of heart disease and stroke in Canada 2000 |
82F0077XIE | Report on smoking prevalence in Canada, 1985-1999 |
82F0081XIE | Cancer Record: Newsletter for Cancer Registries in Canada |
84-210-XIB | Births and deaths  |
84-214-XIE | Vital Statistics Compendium, 1996  |
84-537-XIE | Life tables, Canada, provinces and territories |
84F0013XIE | Validation study for a record linkage of births and infant deaths in Canada |
84F0209XIB | Mortality - Summary List of Causes, 1997: Shelf Tables |
85-002-XIE | Juristat  |
85-205-XIE | Canadian crime statistics  |
85-211-XIE | Adult correctional services in Canada data tables  |
85-217-XIB | Legal aid in Canada: description of operations  |
85-222-XIE | Corrections key indicator report for adults and young offenders  |
85-223-XIE | Crime and police resources in Canadian municipalities  |
85-224-XIE | Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile |
85-225-XIE | Police resources in Canada, 1999  |
85-227-XIE | Graphical overview of the criminal justice indicators  |
85-228-XIE | Child and spousal support: introduction to the Maintenance Enforcement Survey  |
85-402-XIE | Criminal prosecutions resources,
expenditures and personnel 1996-97  |
85-403-XIE | Courts resources, expenditures and personnel  |
85-404-MIE | Transition Home Survey 1999-2000 |
85-510-XIE | National directory of courts in Canada  |
85-542-XIE | An overview of the differences between police-reported and victim-reported crime |
85-544-XIE | A profile of youth justice in Canada  |
85-545-XIE | Alternative measures in Canada - 1998  |
85-546-XIE | Youth custody and community services in Canada  |
85-547-XIE | Civil Justice Project: The Use of Time Limits and Notification in Civil Case Management |
85-548-XIE | Organized crime activity in Canada: a
pilot survey of 16 police services  |
85-549-XIE | Civil Courts Study report  |
85-550-XIE | Use of custodial remand in Canada, 1988-89 to 1997-98  |
85-551-XIE | Hate crime in Canada: an overview of issues and data sources  |
85-553-XIE | A profile of criminal victimization: results of the 1999 General Social Survey  |
85-554-XIE | General Social Survey: Cycle 13 Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of Policing |
85-556-XIE | Organized crime in Canada: an investigation into the feasibility of collecting police-level data |
85-563-XIE | Exploring the involvement of organized crime in motor vehicle theft  |
85-601-XIE | A one-day snapshot of inmates in Canada's adult correctional facilities  |
85-602-XIE | An overview of the issues related to the use of personal identifiers |
85F0015XIE | Legal aid in Canada: resource and caseload statistics  |
85F0018XIE | A graphical overview of crime and the administration of criminal justice in Canada  |
85F0019XPE |
Police Personnel and Expenditures in Canada - 1997 and 1998  |
85F0027XIE | Bulletin, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics |
85F0028XIE |
Legal aid in Canada: resource and caseload data tables  |
85F0030XIE |
Youth court data tables  |
85F0031XIE | Police-Reported Aboriginal Crime in Saskatchewan  |
85F0032XIE | Adult criminal court data tables  |
85F0033MIE | Canadian Centre for Justice: Statistics Profile Series |
85F0035XIE | Feasibility study on crime comparisons between Canada and the United States |
85F0036XIE | Technical report on the analysis of small groups in the 1999 GSS  |
87-003-XIE | Travel-log (Touriscope)  |
87-004-XIE | Focus on culture  |
87-211-XIB | Canada's culture, heritage and identity: a statistical overview  |
87-212-XIE | Canadian travel survey: domestic travel, 1997  |
87-403-XIE | Tourism statistical digest  |
87-504-XIBE | Canadian Travel Survey: review of the 1996 results  |
88-001-XIB | Science statistics  |
88-003-XIE | Innovation analysis bulletin |
88-202-XIB | Industrial research and development: 2000 intentions  |
88-204-XIB | Federal Scientific Activities  |
88-516-XIE | Innovation in dynamic service industries  |
88-517-XIE | The defining characteristics of entrants in science-based industries  |
88-522-XIE | Science and technology activities and impacts: a framework for a statistical information  |
88-523-XIE | A five-year strategic plan for the development of an information system for science and technology  |
88F0006XIE | Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, working papers |
88F0017MIE | Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division research papers |
89-552-MIE | International Adult Literacy Survey |
89-553-XIB | Labour Markets, Social Institutions, and the Future of Canada's Children |
89-566-XIE | Growing up with Mom and Dad? The intricate family life courses of Canadian children |
89-572-XIE | Benchmarking adult literacy in North America: an international comparative study |
89-573-XIE | Literacy in Canada: Disparity Between Francophones and Anglophones |
89-574-XIE | Adult education participation in North America |
89-575-XIE | General Social Survey - Cycle 15: Family History |
89-576-XIE | General Social Survey - Cycle 15: Changing Conjugal Life in Canada |
89F0077XIE | National Longitudinal Survey of Children: survey instruments |
89F0078XIE | National Longitudinal Survey of Children: overview of survey instruments |
89F0093XIE | Reading the future: a portrait of literacy in Canada: Highlights of the Canadian report |
89F0094XIE | Reading the future: a portrait of literacy in Canada: Backgrounder on the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) |
89F0096XIE | Highlights from Employee Training: An International Perspective |
89F0100XIE | Highlights from The Value of Words: Literacy and Economic Security in Canada |
89F0103XIE | Highlights for Literacy utilization in Canadian workplaces |
89F0104XIE | Highlights for At risk: a socio-economic analysis of health and literacy among seniors |
89F0115XIE | General Social Survey: An Overview |
89F0116XIE | Highlights for Inequalities in literacy skills among youth in Canada and the United States |
89F0117XIE | From home to school - how Canadian children cope |
89F0120XIE | Highlights for "Schooling, Literacy and Individual Earnings" |
89F0123XIE | Societal indicators |
89F0125XIE | Highlights for "Literacy, Numeracy and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada" |
89F0133XIE | Women in Canada: Work Chapter Updates |
91-002-XIB | Quarterly demographic statistics  |
91-213-XIB | Annual demographic statistics  |
91-520-XIB | Population projections for Canada, provinces and territories, 2000-2026  |
91-528-XIB | Population and family estimation methods at Statistics Canada  |
91F0015MIE | Demographic documents |
92-125-GIE | 2001 Census consultation guide |
92-125-SIB | 2001 Census consultation geography supplement |
92-129-GIE | 2006 Census consultation guide |
92-350-UIE | 1996 Census Catalogue - Final Edition: 1996 Census of Population |
92-351-UIE | 1996 Census Dictionary - Final Edition: 1996 Census of Population |
92-353-XIE | Age, Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Status: 1996 Census of Population |
92-370-XIE | Coverage (reference products: technical reports: 1996 Census of Population) |
92-371-XIE | Sampling and Weighting (reference products: technical reports: 1996 Census of Population) |
92-374-XIE | 1997 Geography Catalogue |
92-376-XIE | 2001 Census Preview of Products and Services |
92-377-XIE | 2001 Census Catalogue (reference products: 2001 Census) |
92-378-XIE | 2001 Census Dictionary (reference products: 2001 Census) |
92-379-XIE | 2001 Census Handbook (reference products: 2001 Census) |
92-400-XIE | 2001 Census Standard Products Stubsets (reference products: 2001 Census) |
92-405-XIE | Geography Catalogue, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0138MIE | Geography working paper series |
92F0144XIB | National reference maps, 2001 Census |
92F0145GIE | Census Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0145XIB | Census tract reference maps, by census metropolitan area or census agglomeration, 2001 Census |
92F0146GIE | Dissemination Area Reference Maps, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0146XIB | Dissemination area reference maps, by census tract, for census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, 2001 Census |
92F0147XIB | Dissemination area reference maps, by non-tracted census agglomeration, 2001 Census |
92F0148XIB | Dissemination area reference maps, by census division, for areas outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, 2001 Census |
92F0149GIE | Census Division and Census Subdivision Reference Maps, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0149XIB | Census division and census subdivision reference maps, by province or territory, 2001 Census |
92F0150GIE | GeoSuite, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0152XIE | Federal electoral districts (1996 representation order) reference map, 2001 Census |
92F0157GIE | Road Network Files, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0158GIE | Skeletal Road Network File, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0159GIE | Population Ecumene Census Division Boundary File 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
92F0159XIE | Population Ecumene Census Division Boundary File |
92F0171GIE | Cartographic Boundary Files, 2001 Census: Reference Guide |
| 1996 Agricultural Operations National and Provincial Highlights Tables: 1996 Census of Agriculture |
93F0035XIE | 1996 Farm Operators National and Provincial Highlights Tables: 1996 Census of Agriculture |
93F0053XIE | Community profiles, 2001 Census |
95F0300XIE | Age (122) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 Census - 100% Data |
95F0301XIE | Census of Agriculture, Initial release: farm data, (May 15 2002) |
96F0030XIE | Census 2001: Profile of the Canadian population by age and sex: Canada ages |
97F0003XIE2001001 | Censuses 1996 and 2001: Age (123) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1996 and 2001 Censuses - 100% Data |
97F0003XIE2001002 | Censuses of 1921 to 2001: Age Groups (12) and Sex (3) for Population, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1921 to 2001 Censuses - 100% Data |
97F0024XIE | Census 2001: Age and sex: Highlight tables |
98-187-XIE | Censuses of Canada 1665 to 1871 |