Related resources:
Company Information
Ethics in Business and Government
Marketing Research
Almanacs and Yearbooks
Codes, Classifications and Standards
- International Standard Industrial Classification, United Nations Statistics Division
- Available Classifications, United Nations Statistics Division
- NACE Rev. 2 - Statistical classification of economic activities, Eurostat, European Commission
- North American Industry Classification System, US Census Bureau
- Concordances, North American Industry Classification System, US Census Bureau
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007, Statistics Canada
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002, Statistics Canada
- Concordance between the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Revision 4, Statistics Canada
- Chart of Accounts, standard financial reporting classifications, 2006, 2002
- North American Product Classification System, Provisional Version 0.1, Canada
- National Occupational Classification for Statistics (NOC-S) 2006, Statistics Canada
- Size Standards, US SBA
- Alternative Press
- Bloomberg
- Business Week Online
- World Business News, CNN International
- Dismal Scientist
- Economist
- Forbes
- Fortune
- Investor's Business Daily
- Kipp Report
- PR Newswire
- News and Financial Information, Reuters
- Canoe Money
- Globe Investor, CTVglobemedia
- Report on Business, CTVglobemedia
- Canadian Business
- CNN Money
- Money, USAToday
- MoneyScope, ABC
- Business, Chicago Sun-Times
- Business News Americas, [Latin America and the Caribbean]
- Business News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Business News, Western Australia
- Business, BBC News
- Financial Times
- Business, Independent (UK)
- Business Latest, Guardian Unlimited
- London Business News, This Is London
- Trade Arabia
- Zawya
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- Glossary: International Business Terms, GlobalEdge
- Glossary of Financial and Business Terms, compiled by Campbell R. Harvey, NY Times
- Business Glossary, Washington Post
- Glossary of Political Economy Terms, Paul M. Johnson, Auburn University
- Glossary of Frequently Used Terms, Department of Finance, Canada
- Glossary of Terms, Canadian Industry Statistics, Industry Canada
- Financial Dictionary, Investopedia
- Glossary: Business of Tourism Management [Pearson Education]
- Online Glossary of Research Economics, Peter B Meyer, Northwestern University
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, general eds. Boudewijn Bouckaert (University of Ghent) and Gerrit De Geest (University of Ghent and University of Utrecht)
- Economics A-Z, the Economist
Handbooks and Manuals
- See also: Style Manuals
- Leadership: Strategies for Company Success, decision-making styles; problem solving; and running a meeting, Student Manual for FEMA, US Fire Administration, National Fire Academy
- Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication, introduces communication principles and tools, Barbara Reynolds et al., Centers for Disease Control, October 2002
- Getting in Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your Watershed, discusses developing frameworks, goals, objectives, communications tools; hosting productive meetings; engaging the support of others, Tetra Tech for the US Environmental Protection Agency
- Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1999 forward, significant full-text
- Advertising Age, online edition
- Adweek Online
- African Journal of Business Management, 2007 forward, full-text
- B-Quest, 1996 forward, full-text
- Business Today, Oman
- Cato Journal, 1981 forward, full-text
- Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 1996 forward, full-text
- Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 2001 forward, full-text
- Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, [1998] forward, full-text
- Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 2003 forward, full-text
- Engineering Economics, 1999 forward, significant full-text
- Federal Communications Law, 1994 forward, full-text
- Federal Reserve Bulletin, 1996 forward, full-text
- Financial Counseling and Planning, 1990 forward, significant full-text
- Industry Week
- International Journal of Business and Management, 2006 forward, full-text
- International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 2006 forward, full-text
- International Journal of Central Banking, 2005 forward, full-text
- Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 1999 forward, full-text
- Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2000 forward, full-text
- Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 1996 forward, selected full-text
- Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2000 forward, full-text
- Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 1999 forward, full-text
- Journal of Research for Consumers, 2001 forward, full-text
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2006 forward, full-text
- Michigan Journal of Business, 2008 forward, full-text
- Monthly Labor Review, 1991 forward, full-text
- North Africa Journal
- Oman Economic Review
- Perspectives on Labour and Income 1989 forward, full-text
- Red Herring
- Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 1993 forward, full-text
- Survey of Current Business, 1994 forward, full-text
- Virginia Journal of Law and Technology, 1997 forward, full-text
- Visions, Product Development and Management Association, 1995 forward, full-text
Style Manuals
Top of Page
Collective Resources
- See also: Country / Regional
- See also: Industry Information
- Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online, UN
- General Statistics, OECD
- Wikiprogress
- Penn World Tables, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania
- UNdata
- Publications, UN Statistics Division
- World Bank Data and Statistics
- World Bank Research
- Development Data by Topic, drawn from World Development Indicators, World Bank
- Data Query, free access to a segment of the World Development Indicators, World Bank
- Quick Reference Tables, World Development Indicators database, World Bank
- Entrepreneurship Database, World Bank
- International Data Base, US Census Bureau
- IMF World Economic Outlook Databases
- Doing Business Indicators
- Global Employment Trends, Economic and Labour Market Analysis Department, International Labour Organization
- Charting International Labor Comparisons, US Department of Labor
- BIS International Financial Statistics
- Prices and Purchasing Power Parities, OECD
- IMF Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board, with data on national accounts, price and labour market indices, etc. for subscribing countries
- Commodities, CNN/Money
- See also: Canadian Statistics
- See also: Country / Regional Information: United States
- See also: Country / Regional Information: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Statistics by Industrial Sector, Industry Canada
- Trade Data Online, Industry Canada
- Rates and Statistics, Bank of Canada
- Weekly Financial Statistics, Bank of Canada
- American FactFinderBureau of Labor Statistics, US
- Bureau of Economic Analysis, US
- Interactive Data Tables, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US
- Economic Indicators, GPO Access
- Economic Indicators, Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research, Council of Economic Advisers, 1948 forward
- County Business Patterns, Metro Business Patterns, ZIP Code Business Patterns, economic data by industry, [1998] forward, US Census Bureau
- Current Economic Conditions: Beige Book, US Federal Reserve
- Current Industrial Reports, US Census Bureau
- Economic Census, US Census Bureau
- Economic Indicators, US Census Bureau
- Economic Research Service, official source for economic and other social science analysis and information on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America
- Manufacturing, Mining and Construction Statistics, US Census Bureau
- Economic Data, Federal Reserve, Chicago
- US Economic Data, Federal Reserve, Dallas
- Economic Research, Federal Reserve, Dallas
- Statistics and Historical Data, Federal Reserve System
- FRED®: Federal Reserve Economic Data, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
- Trade and Investment Flows, SICE (Foreign Trade Information System), OAS
Middle East and Africa
Top of Page

This page created and maintained by Linda Hansen.
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Created: 1996/11/01 Last updated: 2010/09/07
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